You gazed outside your window, seeing that it was pitch black outside. You went to your wardrobe and pulled out the box that you stuffed your disguise into after leaving the Winery.

Suddenly, there was a knock at your door.

You quickly shoved the box back inside, closing your closet and going to the door.

Who would be here at this time of night? You thought.

Opening the door, you looked at Adelinde's happy face.

"...Adelinde? What are you doing here?" You asked.

She smiled. "I just wanted to thank you for everything. Kaeya and I had such a wonderful time together. We just got back to the city."

You laughed softly. "I'm glad."

"It was amazing! Thought I still couldn't muster up the courage to tell him how I feel... he asked me out on another date."

"Oh?" You giggled. "Am I planning that one too?"

She shook her head. "No, you've done enough. Sorry to bother you this late, I just wanted to give my appreciation. You are a blessed Knight."

You smiled. "Thank you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." She waved as you closed the door.

It always warmed your heart when people praised you for your Knightly deeds. It made you feel like you were truly living up to your parents.

Going back to your wardrobe, you swiftly placed the disguise on and grabbed your weapon, making sure that you were prepared for the long hours ahead.

You opened your window and went through your normal procedure of sneaking out the city walls.

Going to the usual spot, you expected Diluc to be waiting there— just as he was.

"You're here." He said, watching you attempt to sneak up on him.

"Ugh, I wanted to surprise you..." You groaned at your failed attempt.

"You're going to have to be far more stealthy." He explained.

"Noted." You replied. "What's the plan?"

"...To get all the remaining shards." He replied.

You rolled your eyes. "I mean, what area can we exclude?"

"It's like your gut said. Either the Electro Hypostase or the Anemo Hypostase has already been cleared." He crossed his arms.

"Hm..." You looked over past Mondstadt. "We should head to Stormterror's Lair first."

"I figured so." He got off the tree and walked beside you.

"Oh, thanks for the flowers too." You said while walking.

"...It's no problem." He replied.

You giggled. "I don't know how to take care of them, considering I've never gotten flowers before... any tips?"

Diluc looked at you. "...You've never gotten flowers?"

You shook your head. "Never. I just assumed you would buy a vase and put water in it until the flowers wilt away."

He took a deep breath. "...Then what of your date yesterday?"

"Date?" You looked at him confusedly. "I wasn't on a date yesterday... and I never have even gone on one for that matter."

He cleared his throat. "...Sorry. I misunderstood."

"Misunderstood? What are you..." You gasped, and a playful smile came about your lips. "You must have seen me and Kaeya at Good Hunter, then."

Diluc avoided your gaze. "I didn't see anything."

You laughed. "I thought I told you he was nothing but a close friend."

Diluc's words fell out of his mouth. "Even a close friendship can turn into something more."

You titled your head. "...Does that bother you?"

He groaned. "No. The only thing that bothers me is seeing Kaeya's face."

You laughed again. "I'd rather join the Fatui than to date Kaeya. Wait, no... I take that back. I'd rather let a slime eat me alive."

"Then what was it that the two of you were doing then?" He asked.

"Oh, I was planning a date for him." You said.

"A date... for him?"

You nodded. "Adelinde likes Kaeya. When she pulled me to the side outside of the Winery, she asked me to help her out. I agreed, so Kaeya and I spent the entire day planning out a nice picnic."

Diluc felt a wash of relief covet him. "...Hm."

"What?" You looked back at him.

"...Nothing." He replied.

"Do you really not like me being around Kaeya or something? I mean, you constantly ask about my relationship with him, and you even managed to think that we were on a date together yesterday."

Your words made him stop in his tracks. He turned to look down at you, and you grew tense, thinking you said something wrong.

"...Tell me."

"...Tell you what?" You looked up at him, his gaze piercing through your eyes.

"If you had to choose between me or him, who would it be?"

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