"Whatever you say." He said. "So, what's on my agenda?"

"Hmph." You looked at him. "First, you need to get her a proper gift."

"Alright. What should I get..." He thought to himself.

"...Flowers." You replied.

"Flowers? Isn't that a bit too basic?" He asked.

"Trust me. She'll love them." You held back a smile. "So let's go pay a visit to Miss Flora."


"Oh, Miss Adelinde? Hm..."

After you went back to the city with Kaeya, you approached the flower stand that was the first thing you would see when you walked inside of the walls.

You had asked Flora about what type of flower Adelinde would like.

"... She strikes me as a fair and romantic lady. So, I would suggest Cecilias."

"Hm..." Kaeya looked at the flower Flora held. "... Alright, I'm sold."

"Great! I'll wrap them up for you." Flora went over to a table and grabbed several Cecilias while you talked with Kaeya.

"Now that you have a gift, we're going to get the materials ready for a picnic." You stated.

"Picnic? That does sound nice..." Kaeya looked up at the clear sky. "...Though I would choose somewhere we could enjoy a good scenery."

You giggled. "What do you have in mind?"

"...Perhaps Starsnatch Cliff." He replied.

"Alright then."

Flora walked back over to Kaeya and handed him the bouquet of flowers. He paid the price for them and she returned back to her stand.

"Where to next..." You thought aloud.

"With Wind Comes Glory is bound to have the materials for a picnic." Kaeya said. "We should head there."

"Let's get lunch first." You replied. "I'm starving."

He nodded and the both of you walked over to Good Hunter.

"Ah, good afternoon Master Kaeya and Miss L/N. Care to try our specialties?" Sarah waved and greeted the both of you.

"Ohhh, you know it!" You said, looking hungrily at the menu.

Kaeya laughed. The both of you ordered and sat down at the table, enjoying the clear weather.

"You know, they say that after every storm, comes tranquility." Kaeya said, pulling out a deck of cards.

He placed the flowers to the side to spread them out on the table.

"That's how it normally is." You replied, crossing one leg over the other. "Say, if I beat you, you're paying."

He chuckled. "Vice versa, then."

"Alright. Best two out of three?" You said, grinning.

"You're on."

The both of you enjoyed a good meal and a challenging game of TCG. After Kaeya won two rounds, you fussed up the mora to pay for your lunch and continued having idle chat to pass the time.

However, someone's jealous eyes were watching the two of you enjoy each other's presence.

— Earlier —

"Ah, Master Diluc! Welcome. I didn't expect to see you here..."

Diluc had entered Angel's Share to check up on the tavern. It seemed the tornado didn't hit the city, which was good, since he didn't want to risk losing business.

"Just checking in on things." He stated. "How bad was it?"

Charles sighed. "The city is alright. It managed to steer clear from here. But everything outside of the city took majority of the damage. The worst place that was hit was Springvale."

Diluc sighed. "...Have the Knights done anything?"

"Of course! They mobilized first thing in the morning and cleared off monsters as well as issuing emergency supplies to everyone." Charles said.

Diluc grunted. "Why not mobilize right after the storm? Why let it marinate for hours?"

"...I'm sorry?" Charles looked at Diluc confusedly.

"...Nevermind." Diluc said. "But I've also come to inform you of the Winery. Majority of the grape crops were damaged, so expect a low stock in wine."

Charles nodded. "Understood."

"Good. I'll be heading out, then."

"Alright, be safe."

Diluc walked out of the tavern, catching a cool breeze in the air. His stomach grumbled a bit, so he decided to pay a quick visit to Good Hunter before returning to the Winery.

As he silently made his way over, he noticed a familiar laugh coming from the small restaurant.

In fact, it was two familiar laughs.

He glanced over to see you and Kaeya chatting away with each other, laughing while playing TCG. You threw down your dice and cursed aloud while biting into your meal.

Kaeya laughed in response and sipped on some water while rolling his end of the dice.

Diluc's pace came to a halt when he noticed the bouquet of flowers sitting on the table.

Not only that, but the laughs and smiles you gave to Kaeya played at his heart.

He remembered your words.

"...A very close friend."

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