Side story 2

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The girl gets out the shower and gets ready never looking into a mirror

She wore a black top with a turtle neck
And wore grey pants
She looked into a mirror
As a light catches her eye

Morse code…
'Player 2..please come back we miss you'

She glared at the seven pacts that glowed in Morse code
'I would trade anything for you…'
She still glares bitterly at the pacts

Memory tape 1





Mammon yet again came crying to her for some help in finding Goldie

"Again?What did you do this time?"
The girl laughed as mammon begged

I watched in envy as I looked at the scene

With a heavy heart I left the scene
And as i sat quietly in my room
I heard the front door of the mansion open signaling Lucifer has returned
But..I couldn't care much

After the new girl arrived all of their attention gone to her
But..she's nice..and she didn't mean for them to be like that..

I don't care..I still have myself and her..

Then there were whispers
I got up and walked to the door and put my ear against it's surface

"Hurry…We can't let Umi know we're going out to eat…"

"But..isn't that a bit mean…?"
You live a great life…

I went back to my bed and quietly cried but..I didn't shed too much tears..why would those guys be worth my tears?

A month later

I watched as Lucy got all the attention at the table once again
They listened to every word she said

I couldn't even eat without them reminding me I was like lilith

I didn't even eat a single bite of food today..again

So?Why would they care?
and I left the dining room without a word again…

Yet they don't bat an eye
But Lucy did..

Not that it can change anything

A week later

"Hey…Umi…You look tired…are you okay?" Simon asked me
Luke tugged my hand and handed me something to eat
Probably because I passed out today due to having no energy

I smiled at Luke took up his offer

The two of them knew what was happening
Lucy was being occupied by the brothers despite wanting to see how I was doing

Solomon was asking the nurse something

So yet again..the brothers left me

A few days later

Lucy finally got some time to herself and asked If I was okay

To which I responded with I'm fine
but..even she knows I was lying

The brothers still didn't bat an eye to me
other then beel and belphe

The others treated as if I was invisible

I decided to walk around the city for a bit

As of now only Luke,Simon, Solomon, Lucy,Belphegor, Beelzebub and Diavolo and Barbatos knows about my little struggle

but it's not really a big deal
Not to me at least..

Hm…?is that..the dark carriage…?

Darkness engulfs her as she doesn't fight back
Because she knows where she'll be going

Tape ending

As she thinks back
A high pitched voice cuts her out of her thoughts
"Hey!Are you going to be in there all day!?" Grim urges her

"Alright alright..let's get going"
She scoops Grim up into her arms and opens the ramshackle door
At the gate she sees her friends all there in the ceremony robes

As she puts her on she sees Grim doesn't particularly have one
So she creates one

Grim looks at the robe made specifically for him in awe

"Is..this..for me?"
Grim quickly puts it on and jumps into her arms
As the ceremony begins…

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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