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God takes good people's life sooner, to represent them as angels.

Only God and these 7 buddies knew how much Gemini cried and begged to God to forgive his boyfriend's life and give him back to Gemini.


"Please.. please do something! I can't- i-i can't live without him!"

No one listened to Gemini. Because they knew, even if they listened, they couldn't do anything.

"Buddy.. you know we can't do any-"

Gemini pushed Phuwin's hand off of him and looked at him with hatred.

"Then why are you guys here huh?"

Phuwin was in shock of what just happened. His best friend...

"Gemini, what are you saying?"

"We are here because we care about Fourth and your child."


While they were arguing, Ford left the room he was sleeping in and just listened to them quietly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you mean we don't care about them?"

Pond slowly pulled Gemini by his shoulder and patted his back.

"You're not on the right state of mind. Let's talk when you're okay."

"You all should leave."

Dunk stepped in before he was held by Joong.

"Gemini stop with this bullshit! We understand you're sad but we are sad too! It's not that we're happy that Fourth and the baby is in that situation! Get yourself together!"

"Dunk calm down, love."

Satang stepped in this time instead.

"How is he wrong though? We did everything for him and his family but he never appreciates it. I'm tired of being in your shadows and literally forgetting about myself."

"No one asked y'all to!"

Phuwin smirked in a mocking way.

"No one asked, huh? You wanna know why we did it? Because we care about you and Fourth! How stupid of us, right? We care about our friend and his family so we're helping him!"

"Fuck you all! Stop this damn fight!"

Ford walked up to them as his screams were filling the hospital corridors.

"You all suck. Fourth and baby bean is there, in that fucking situation, and you're all fighting? Are you guys okay huh? It's not about fucking care or friendship, there are 2 people whom we don't know if they're gonna live or not! What was their sin huh? What was their sin to meet people who are fighting when they're struggling to get their life back! You all lost your mind and you are all wrong. Stop fucking fighting or crying for Fourth. Because there are only 6 people to cry about, and those people are you. You should cry and think what the fuck is wrong with you all."

those eyes | geminifourthWhere stories live. Discover now