Twelve | Sally Jean Grew Up

Start from the beginning

"Good. Glad to see you haven't changed too much."

"Jory!" Clyde called out, nearing the two. He clapped Jory on the shoulder when he approached, nearly stumbling. He'd been drinking, Jean noticed "I didn't see you come in!"

"Probly 'cause you've been down in a bottle, Clyde," Jory joked. "You better start soberin' up before Ma sees you."

Clyde ignored him, turning to Jean. "Come on, Jean, I've got some beer in the stable if you want some."

"Don't go gettin' her in trouble," Jory said.

Clyde laughed. "Oh, Jory, you've been gone too long. It's Jean that gets me in trouble, now." He slipped an arm around her waist. "Go with me?"

Jean nodded, eyes still on Jory. "Sure, Clyde." She let Clyde pull her away, sending Jory a smirk before turning to face the direction her feet were walking. "Who's all here?" she asked Clyde.

"The usual. Kurt, Rodger, Gloria, and Peggy. They invited a few other people, of course. I didn't know some of them, but I did see Bernie Bilson and his sister and—" he scowled suddenly, "—and Vincent." He spat the name like it was a curse, rolling his eyes.

Over the months Jean had been going with Vincent Renner, Clyde had made his distaste for the couple very well known. It was clear in his unconcealed glares and sly comments, and he always did his best to wedge himself in between the two when he could.

It bothered Jean. She was quite taken with Vincent, in the same way she had been taken with Ed Whitington. Even if she didn't get to see Vincent very often because he worked long hours at the garage in town, she still felt like the world was hers for the taking when he'd say her name over the phone or she'd feel his touch on her skin.

They locked eyes the second they entered the stable, Vincent pushing off of a stall he'd been leaning against, bringing him and his greased-back black hair and beer bottle towards her.

"Hey, doll," he moved to draw her in for a kiss, but Clyde pulled her away.

"Here, Jean," he said, "the beer's this way!"

She slipped out of his hold to grab Vincent by the collar and pull his lips down towards hers for a brief kiss. A boy nearby whistled at them, others laughing.

Jean ignored them. "I didn't know you'd be coming," she said when she pulled back.

Vincent shrugged, snaking an arm around her waist. "Bernie invited me. Couldn't pass up free beer at the Mayberry's."

"Yeah, you don't seem like the type that would," a voice called out behind them.

Jean's heart jumped, her head jerking back to see Jory standing in the entranceway to the stables, smirking. He sauntered in with his beer bottle in hand, eyeing Jean and Vincent.

"Sally Jean," he said, "why don't you introduce me to your friend?" He nodded toward Vincent, looking amused.

Jean squirmed before swallowing down her sudden bout of shyness and lifting her chin. "Right. Jory, this is my boyfriend, Vincent Renner. Vince, this is Clyde's brother, Jory Mayberry."

Vincent didn't seem too keen on meeting Jory, his eyes narrowed. A quick glance to her right would show that Jory reflected the man's unspoken sentiments, despite the smirk on his lips.

Peggy intervened before Jean got the chance to say anything.

"Jean!" she exclaimed, smelling of alcohol as she hugged the girl. "There you are. You should come with us to the barn." She giggled suddenly. "Kurt and Rodger are talkin' about playin' truth or dare!"

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