Fall leaves

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Little Chan
Caregiver Jeongin

Fall was Chans favorite time of the year. Leaves falling over the trees, cooling weather, and the sweet + musky smell of the leaves.

The fallen leaves were Chans favorite part.

Join outside and raking the leaves into one big pile to through around and play with.

Fall time also means pomegranates and pumpkins, and pies and food to eat now.

Chan has loved pomegranates for.a while, the seeet taste and how it pops in your mouth.

This meant his beloved caregiver could finally make pumpkin dishes, and sweets.

Chan walked into the kitchen with a blanket laying on his shoulder from the colder weather.

"Hey chan how are you." Chan whined at him because he likes being called a nickname when in headpace.
"I am Channie!" He said giving his boyfriend a hug. "Hi there, would Channie like some pomegranates?" Chans eyes sparkled "yes please!" Chan started eating the pomegranate's pretty quickly. "Do you wanna go and play in the leaves? Seungmin and Jeongin had made you a bush earlier before they left for the studio.

"Yeah!" Since chan was already dressed he ran outside gasping and the large piles. Chan ran over to them playing the leaves picking out the pretty ones and throwing them everywhere.

Chan stayed outside playing for about hour until he started getting tired and walked inside to be met with Jeongin. "Are you getting tired?" Chan nodded and hugged Jeongin tightly. "How about you go Chang you clothes then I have some roast and pie you chan eat." Chan tan upstairs changing into blue sweatpants with a white tank top.

He went back downstairs and sat on the sofa with his blanket again.

Jeongin walked in with to plates that had roast on it with a small piece of pumpkin pie on the side.

"Tank tour innie." Jeongin smiles at the boy before sitting down next to him.

Chan reply to love fall season.

I have a minsung book completed but I'm scared to upload it, I personally think it's a bit cringy

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