Where Did You Go?

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ok this ones gonna be a bit sadder than i would usually write but ive been listening to gracie abrams a lot lately and my fav song on her album good riddance was reminding me of my sweet pookie bears ocean and penny/jane bc u cant tell me this song isnt literally them to a tee, so i present to you:

An AU where Ocean voted for herself and ponders herself and the girl who never knew her own name.

Ocean's P.O.V.

By a miraculous turn I survived, leaving those I loved behind in their graves. I remember some things from my temporary death but I'm not too sure if I was going crazy or not. How can this be fair? I just left everybody, and a part of me feels bad. Another part of me feels like they're still here. Maybe I genuinely am losing it.

The thing I think about the most when I think about whatever potential delusion I went through is the girl with the pitch black eyes and crooked doll-like walk. Thinking about her almost rips me open. And she doesn't even know it. Something about her felt so familiar. I'd almost memorized her face, it was burned into the back of my head.

All I do is sit around and think about her. I like to think I'm doing better, thinking about her less. Who am I kidding though? Ever since the incident I've been seeing a therapist regularly, and Jane has all I've really brought up when I'm there.

My therapist claims that stressing this is doing me no good, I just can't help it. I wish I could've found her head, discovered her, and continued on her legacy. Sometimes I can't help but wonder where her head went. Where did she go? Where did this mystery girl go and lose her head? Did I even know her?

"A part of me feels like she was an angel in my dreams," I say sitting by my best friend's grave. "Do you think she was all in a dream? Or if that whole afterlife thing was real or my brain just creating closure for losing you guys?"

All I can do is hope that this will go away. I almost miss the sweet delusion that I was in, I crave answers about her that she never even had. She always asked a million questions, I'd answer them as quickly as I could but she always had another one before I could finish the first. I would give all my time to the idea I had of what happened to everyone to find comfort in them being ok.

But this girl's words felt like a nursery rhyme with the way she spoke, I don't know if it was her voice, or the way she articulated her words. The saddest thing is I'm positive I knew this girl before, I swear she's not an illusion created by my subconscious. I haven't been to school much since the incident, I've been talking about this girl that no one remembered so I'd shut myself out and have done online schooling mostly since then.

Except as I'm walking into the school doors and into my first class I finally realize who she is. "Wait was it Penny?" I mutter to myself, knowing no one can hear me and if they could they wouldn't say anything. I'm more relieved that I figured out who it was, now I can tell someone.

I go around the school trying to get out and home so I can do something, anything, to get her name out. I rush towards the public bus and fidget the whole way home.

How did no one notice she was gone?

Once I finally arrived home I picked up the phone and called my parents. And I even called Penny's parents, letting them know the unfortunate news considering they'd been looking for her for months.

"Excuse me? Mr. and Mrs. Lamb? I'm so sorry but you have to know this, your daughter Penny was the girl who lost her head in the roller coaster incident."

"I'm sorry? We never had a daughter named Penny, we never even had kids. I'm afraid you have the wrong number." I shuddered at this and hung up the phone. I dropped to the ground and dialed the number again hoping I dialed wrong. But I didn't, it was the same people. I knew it was Penny's family. I eventually got up from the ground of the living room and went to my room, inevitably sobbing.

How was I the only one who noticed she was gone?

How was I the only one to notice her?

ok ouchies im sorry im done i swear im done being sad i just really liked this idea and ran with it so uhm here u go anyways on a lighter note GO LISTEN TO GRACIE ABRAMS IF U HAVENT BEFORE I LOVE HER SO SO SO MUCH AND I NEED EVERYONE TO CONGRATULATE HER BC SHE IS UP FOR BEST NEW ARTIST AT THE GRAMMYS anyways give me requests before i hunt u down and feast on ur flesh for breakfast/j

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