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OK SO UR GETTING AUTISTIC PENNY BC IM AUTISTIC AND I SAID SO btw all autistic ppl may not be like this im just going based on my own experiences and what helps me when im overwhelmed, so just deal with me projecting for a little bit, also perfectdolls content bc i may as well be the number 1 perfect dolls shipper

Penny's P.O.V.

I can feel the seams on my sock brush my feet. I can hear every noise in the lunch room. I'm completely and totally aware of my clothes on my body and the chair I'm sitting on. These things only bother me when all my sensory issues are acting up and this is worse than normal. Normally Ocean's there with me, she's here today but she's in the lunch line while I slam my head on the table trying to block out some of it. I'd be fidgeting with my bells right now, I carry bells around because I like the jingle and I like to roll them in my hand.

I accidentally left my bells at home today which has made my day a living hell. Ocean usually carries extra bells in case I forget mine but I haven't seen her yet today. "Hey, you doing okay Pen?" She asks as she sits down next to me.

Ocean's been calling me Pen since we first got close, and usually that would floor me and get me to blush and stutter like a mad woman. But instead this time I just slightly lifted my head and shook my head no.  "You need anything?"

"Bells," I mumbled out. Whenever I say that it feels like a moment of weakness but she always understands. I can be vulnerable with her, even if it's something like me being overwhelmed. Not long after I say that she hands me that tiny jingle bells that make me feel so much better.

As I jingle with them I go into my bag and grab a pen and a tiny piece of paper and write her a note as everyone else sits down, scribbling a little heart next to my words. And she smiles while whispering, "I love you too."

WAHHHHH OMG OK CUTIES but srsly my autisic ass loves playing with tiny jingle bells they make me so happy, but i love how im projecting on her despite kinning ocean- but srsly pennys autistic u cant convince me otherwise, so yea now we have that out there and u will deal with it (nischa fic comin soon) 

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