How Did We Get Here?

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Noel's P.O.V.

How did we get here? I ask myself this quite often, especially having a boyfriend like Mischa. Life has been nothing but chaos since we started dating. Today is the best example I can think of when I think of the chaos we get into now, he usually doesn't drag me into it but today. Today was different to say the least. We were just going with Ocean to help her with her laundry.

I was helping her sort her laundry into colors and whites while she was switching loads and Mischa was counting quarters. That sounds like the typical way to help your friend with laundry while trying to make it a three person job. Then I notice Mischa slipping away to do god knows what and I follow him. I'm always curious about what he's doing so I figured why not.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh- getting drink?" He said like it was a question, curiouser  and curiouser. 

"Was that a question? What are you doing we're supposed to be helping her so why are you sneaking around?"

"Alright fine I was bored so I was going to take a break."

"Then take me with you I'm tired of her needing perfection." I wasn't lying, it gets so annoying! It's Ocean's way or the highway and I'm choosing the goddamn highway. He grabbed my arm and off we went. 

We wandered around for a while trying to find something to do, and we eventually landed on me watching him throw some apples that were rotting that we had found onto the streets. Weird? Yes. My choice? Sadly, yes. He just threw them as we talked and laughed like mad men. It was nice just getting a moment to connect. We were getting up and changing street spots every now and again, we did this almost all day. Until he pointed out the feeling that we were being watched.

I couldn't stop thinking about it as we went around town finding more stuff that he would throw. Until I noticed there was a cop following us? We technically weren't doing anything wrong but I had warned him anyways.

"Mischa, I think a cop has been following us this whole time."

"Oh shit." he cursed as he left his stuff and dragged me as we made a mad dash. Now we really were acting like mad men. We made it all the way around town going in zigzags just trying to get away as the guy followed us, "how do we get in these situations?" I asked him, we never have a boring day.

"Because you listen to my bad ideas. I'd think you have enough brains to not listen."

Hey now, it's not that I'm stupid! I'm a smart person, who makes and listens to stupid decisions." I say, defending myself as we get back to the laundromat, finally ditching that cop.

"Where have you guys been?! You totally ditched me!"

"Wait what? How did we get here?"

Mischa let out a curse, "f-"

i totally just teased with mischa saying fuck, but i got this request and had to do it this was genious, my inner swiftie felt bad for having to ditch ocean bc she would totally listen to taylor anyways like, the title is 100% bc of jacksepticeye's "how did i get here," "well, DO YOU HAVE 90 MINUTES" im sorry thats so random but like i think its so funny

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