The Lady Lubov and the Legendary Princess of Peace

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 this is the leader of the humaniod foxes, Lisa, she was the princess of the humaniod foxes, she was the most powerful fox, she controlled all of the elements, she even controlled the dreams of any monsters and creatures, she helped them when they...

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 this is the leader of the humaniod foxes, Lisa, she was the princess of the humaniod foxes, she was the most powerful fox, she controlled all of the elements, she even controlled the dreams of any monsters and creatures, she helped them when they had nightmares, she brought peace and love to anyone around her, they gave her the title the princess of peace,  one day she met the leader of the humaniod wolves Azariah, they got along and the humaniod wolves and humaniod foxes worked together to bring peace to anyone until one day Azariah started to get jealous of Lisa she was more powerful than him and caused him to fight with her, when she over powered him, Lisa banished Azariah and his wolves, she couldn't trust them anymore so she had to do the only thing. said Dracula

but wait, i read the history of the humaniod species, i thought Lisa was an arctic fox with more than just one tail, and it never said anything about only Lisa having the powers, it said some of the humaniod species had powers as well said Autumn 

i thought the same thing as well, until i found more books about the humaniod species and it the history of them is more deep than what we thought we learned about them, the humaniod species didn't die out because of the war, they died out because of their leaders, after Lisa was killed because of the battle between her and Azariah, the humaniod species couldn't live together anymore so they went their seperate ways, and they were never seen again, it's unknown what happened to some of them but they were never found until i met you Autumn, your the last of the humaniod species and you have Lisa's blood said Dracula

what, what are you talking about asked Autumn

Lisa is in your blood, meaning you and Lisa are related said Dracula 

but, but how, i may be the last humaniod fox species but how can Lisa and i be related asked Autumn 

wait, Autumn i learned somewhere that the fox leader Lisa had a pup after she met the wolf leader, when she the wolf leader were about to fight she left her pup in a safe place so the wolves wouldn't hurt or kill her said Johnny as Autumn looked at the picture of Lisa again 

is it possible that Lisa could be my mom asked Autumn 

it's not really impossible, it might be possible Autumn said Johnny as Dracula placed a hand on Autumn shoulder

Lisa was a strong and kind leader, and i know you are the same as her said Dracula as Autumn gave him a little smile 

i built this place for my love to protect her child, as a father you do everything to keep your family safe even if you have to break their trust but now Mavis has feelings for you said Dracula as he looked at Johnny

what, i, i just, awesome said Johnny 

it's alright, you are a good one, if the world was different maybe it would be possible said Dracula

Drac this is the 21 century, people aren't the same as they were back then said Johnny 

can you tell me for certain that if came out into the open everyone would accept us, everyone asked Dracula as Johnny looked at the painting of Martha and Dracula 

no you're right, i'll go for good this time, you can just say i had some emergency or the gremlin lady at me or something said Johnny as he gave the candles back to Dracula 

no, no, no, no, no, no, i don't want yo ruin her birthday party, you can sneak out after its all done said Dracula as he place his hand on Johnny's shoulder 

i'm sorry, the last thing i wanted was to hurt her or you said Johnny

Johnny, you'd never hurt them, we've been traveling together for a while and you didn't even care about what i looked like when i showed you i wasn't a human said Autumn 

you know you're not the smoothest frankenstein but you'd make a great vampire said Dracula as Autumn smiled 

for real, cause i think i kind of got your hypno eyes down said Johnny as he looked at Dracula 

oh boy here we go, let me see it said Dracula as he rolled his eyes and Autumn giggled 

beware for you are in my power, i command you to be the werewolf man said Johnny in his dracula voice and Dracula howled

i have too many kids said Dracula as he, Johnny and Autumn started laughing 

someone scratch me, i have fleas said Dracula as he led Johnny and Autumn out of the room 

Hotel Transylvania, Dracula x Female FoxDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora