A Performance

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Dracula was leading Johnny and Autumn down some stairs through a hall 

where are we going asked Johnny as he and Autumn were following Dracula 

just getting rid of you through a secret tunnel so she does not see us said Dracula 

Autumn honestly didn't want to leave yet, she's curious about this hotel and she wants to explore and know about it a bit more

so can i ask you a question, is that real about the garlic thing asked Johnny 

yes i cannot have it my throat swells said Dracula as he rubbed his throat 

so your technically allergic to garlic said Autumn 

yes said Dracula as they came across six tunnel doorways 

huh, wooden stake to the heart asked Johnny 

yeah, well who wouldn't that kill Dracula said with a little sarcasm as he led Johnny and Autumn into the fourth tunnel but Dracula bumped into a wall and he let out a frustrated grunt as he led Johnny and Autumn back to the other tunnels and he took the third tunnel and they came upon a lever on the wall 

ah here we go said Dracula as he pulled the lever down and the wall opened to a bedroom and they saw two fleas on the bed, they weren't happy with Dracula 

oh i'm sorry i'm a little lost, yes i know it's your honeymoon, i apologize, go back to doing what you were doing said Dracula as he backed away and the wall closed, this made Autumn laugh a little, Dracula noticed she had a cute laugh but he shook it off and he continued to lead them 

i'm not down here much, it's meant to be an exit if humans ever invade said Dracula as he led them to the third door but it led them to the second door as they walked to the sixth one 

so me and Autumn are like the first people here huh, that's really cool said Johnny 

uh Johnny you do know i'm not really a person right asked Autumn 

i know, i'm just saying we're like the first ones to arrive here said Johnny

we're not the first ones to arrive here dude said Autumn 

oh right said Johnny as Autumn rolled her eyes and they came upon another lever

oh boy, i think this is it said Dracula as he pulled the lever down causing the wall to open revealing the same female skeleton as she was taking a shower, Autumn quicly covered her eyes as the skeleton screamed

what's happening! exclaimed the skeleton

i'm terribly sorry, my mistake said Dracula 

the skeleton husband burst into the door

what is wrong with you people! exclaimed the skeleton husband as Dracula had a loofah thrown at his face as the wall closed, as soon as the wall closed Autumn opened her eyes and when she saw Dracula had a loofah on his face she couldn't hold in her laugh anymore

she started laughing and Dracula glared at her 

i'm sorry Drac but you look ridiculous with that loofah on your face said Autumn as she continued to laugh 

ha ha ha very funny said Dracula as he got the loofah off his face and he continued to lead Johnny and Autumn 

the ceiling was lower so they had to crouch while walking so they wouldn't their heads on the ceiling

oh man this place is amazing said Johnny

ok i could really use some silence right now said Dracula

a bit later they were walking down some stairs but Dracula stopped at the end of the stairs pulling Johnny by the collar of his jacket so he wouldn't fall off the stairs and into the bottom less pit and they walked back up the stairs 

Hotel Transylvania, Dracula x Female FoxWhere stories live. Discover now