Reaction.: The Island Exam (all) (super long)

Start from the beginning

Katsuragi.: So he noticed everything.

As we arrived to the river I started speaking.

Anos.: Could anyone listen here? I wanna know what to buy for the hole class. We need Tents to sleep, WC/Toilet to do our things and a grill to cook things. That's what is nessecary to have.

Shinohara.: What abou-

Suzune.: No. Just silence yourself. Nothing good can out from your mouth theese days.

Kanzaki.: I think the camp should consist of four 10 people tent, we would need a grill to cook the fishes we find in the lake. About the Toilet buy the one which has the avarge price.

Ichinose.: and what if we buy a boat to fish food down the river?

Kurumi.: a boat costs us 10 Points. We must however use less then 50 Points today, for our strategy to work.

Class.: We can have the luxury to have the boat!

Ayanokouji.: You heard them. They need boat-chan.

Hashimoto.: The king spoke up again!

Ayanokouji.: (Did I gain a new tool without doing anything? How interesting)

Anos.: So tents+grill+WC+boat. Anything else you guys want?

Class.: Nope.

Anos.: Okay then! The things will arrive in about 10 minutes. Until then I want to form groups. Theese groups will search for useful things around us.

As the Groups started to form they started searching for stuff. Meanwhile me and Kurumi were left to guard the camp.

Soon enough the equipment arrived. Me and Kurumi setted up the tents so the other won't need to work with it. As we finished the groups slowly started getting back.

They didn't found much as I asked them to return within 30 minutes.

However they found a corn field,  towards West, about 200m away from here. Ayanokouji went faster than the others and spotted Class D's camp, about 420m down the river.

Ichinose.: So he is also faster than he shows.

After thing were setted up, some boys started fishing on the boat, some girls started looking around, maybe to find some fruits or something. They did found a few fruit trees but the food on it was quite small for all 40 if us.

However this changed when our fishers returned. I went to them and collected the fishes. It amazing that they catched 12 fishes. And theese fishes had 31kg in total!

Kanzaki.: (lucky us?)

Ike.: It's luck. It doesn't need skill.

Our food problem for today had been solved I think.

When it became 18:00 I said that I will be going to advantures myself and my mission was to get some deals with classes.

During my travelling, I used Amikura's card to claim some spots. However I soon bumped into Class A's leader. As Sakayanagi left the class it meant that Katsuragi was the only candident for a leader.

Katsuragi.: Were we really that easy to spot?

Ayanokouji.: (yes)

I quickly hid behind a tree so I could listen in. During there talk I took a picture of the card in Katsuragi's hand. So that green haired idiot is the leader? Well that's 50+ for my class. I then went ahead and greeted them.

Reaction.: Existence in COTEWhere stories live. Discover now