New Account and Information!!

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This is my new account and I have a couple of things to say before I start posting!!

First! I don't have a schedule since somedays I experience really bad writers block and sometimes I'm not in the mood. So if I feel that I won't post for sometime you can check my community page thingy lol.

Second! I take requests BUT it must be a ship that I personally ship, which might upset people but its just what I like and I just don't personally like writing ships that I don't ship, so if you want to request it must be a ship I ship (you can check my ships in the description of this book? idk but yea!)

Third! Don't send hate, I know that doesn't really stop it from happening but all you'll gain is me deleting your comment, you will gain nothing. Don't waste your time <3

Fourth! If you don't agree with any of my ships or don't agree with any of my stories don't bash me for it and just move on, I'm doing this because I like doing it and others like my stories so don't be rude for something you can simply just scroll past.

Fifth! If I make a grammer mistake PLEASE TELL ME! I'm not the type of person to get mad when someone points out a mistake I made! I want my book/stories to be the best and make sense! SO if you see that I spelled something wrong or a sentence doesn't make sense, please comment and tell me!  

Sixth! Uhhh, enjoy! Sorry that this is the first thing you see instead of part two of terushou (don't worry I did not forget!) I just wanted you guys to know some ground rules before I start posting! (Also if I do forget about a part two, or just a part of something in general remind me! I dont have the best of memory so uh! Yea!)

Anyways that's all! Thank you for reading, hopefully I have part two of gym closet out sometime this week or next week! Anyways bye bye!!

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