
(G): We are here today to recognize our very own, Coriolanus Snow. He was a leader among his piers, head Gamemaker, a university student, and a friend to many. We will always recognize his accomplishments and hold him dear in our hearts. Now, a few words will be spoken by Marietta Plinth.

Dr Gaul stepped aside. Marietta walked up to the pedestal that overlooked the crowd. Her black dress falling against her ankles as she walked. She adjusted the mic.

(M): Good evening everyone. Coriolanus was first, my friend. He was a good friend to me. He helped me with my school work and helped me study for tests when I knew I would fail. Then he was my lover. Coriolanus made me feel safe and comforted me when I needed it. Yesterday evening, I was coming from the lake with Coryo. We had gotten hungry and forgot to bring snacks. I had suggested we pick some  swamp potatoes because they would have been ripe then. Right when we found some, a man showed up. A District 12 resident. He had a knife and tried to attack Coryo. He stabbed him then tried to kill me. I took the knife from him and killed him first. I ran to the Hob to find the first peacekeeper I saw but it was too late. Coryo was already incapable of saving.

Marietta shed a few tears and her voice became wobbly again.

(M): Coryo was my lover. He was my protector. He had big dreams of becoming president of Panem. Sadly he didn't live enough to make it there. But as Dr. Gual said, we will hold him in our hearts. Thank you.

Everyone clapped and Marietta sat down. Teressa sat right next to her.

(T): Are you really sad?
(M): What do you mean?
(T): Sad about Coryo. You know what he did. So are you really sad that he died?

Marietta didn't know how to answer. She did know what kind of question that was.

(M): I know what he did. But he's apologized and he regrets it. I don't fully forgive him but yes, I am upset.
(T): Hmm.

Marietta fixed her posture.


The funeral was being broadcasted all over Panem. People around the square in 12 saw it. Roman saw Marietta's speech and tried to suppress a smile.

What really happened

Marietta had found the cabin made with concrete not far from the lake. She went inside and opened the duffle bag that had guns in it. She didn't need all those. She looked around for anything else. She found a knife sitting on the table. She took it and waited behind the house. She knew Coriolanus would suspect something sense his last visit with Lucy Gray so she took a different approach.

She screamed then ran North. There lied the dead body Roman moved 30 minutes before they arrived. She stabbed him well enough so there was a whole she could stick her fingers in. She did and spread some of his blood on her arms and on her forehead.

Coriolanus found her then.


Marietta had visited Tigris's shop after the funeral. The feline like lady was standing behind her desk.

(M): As you may know the job is done.

Marietta looked around and pulled out a blood red dress with ruffles.

(T): Well done. Your plan was brilliant. I couldn't pull that off.
(M): I had a little help. An ex fling decided to help me with a few things. The rest was my idea.
(T): What was his name?
(M): Roman.
(T): Do you still care for him?

WHITE ROSE: Coriolanus SnowWhere stories live. Discover now