🏝Episode 23- Camp Castaways🏝

Start from the beginning

Gwen: Where did all this water come from?

Heather: How should I know? Why don't you ask the leeches? Ahh!

Duncan: You know, this is so ridiculous, it's almost funny.

Kasumi: um..guys?

(Sharks swim around them)

Duncan, Heather, Kasumi and Gwen: Run!

[cartoon running sound]

(They make it to the cabin) 

Kasumi: Quick! We need something big and chewy to shove in its mouth!

Heather: Owen!

Owen: [confessional] So I snuck in and ate the entire soccer team's bake sale. I mean, the whole sale. But I got caught on account of the icing in my hair. My mom made me pay for it out of my allowance, but mmm, those soccer moms make a mean brownie. Hahaha. I'm hungry. [real time] Ahh! I'm all alone! Adrift at sea! Ahh! Without breakfast.

Meanwhile with the others...

Gwen: Okay. Is anyone else a little creeped out by this deserted island?

Heather: Puh-lease. Any moron could see that this is one of Chris' cheesy production sets with fake props. Urgh, oh!

Duncan: Hah, yo drama queens? We've obviously just drifted downstream. 

Kasumi: The producers will send a search party.

Chris: [confessional] Just to set the record straight, my sets are not cheesy! I lost three interns moving those rocks into place. And about that search party, nuh-uh. Those campers are on their own. [real time] So I guess that means Craft Day is canceled. Anyway, I'm starved. Let's eat.

Chef: You actually wanna eat this slop?

Chris: Ch, yeah, right. I'm gonna hit the breakfast buffet back at our camp.

Chef: Cool. [laughs]

Chris: [chuckles]

Chef: Oof!

Chris: Whoa!

Duncan: [confessional] Well, well, well. Stuck on an island with two hot girls and Kasumi. Too bad two of them are  both completely annoying. Kasumi's cool tho.

Gwen: [confessional] So I thought to myself, "They left me here to die."

Heather: [confessional] Mental note. Never sign up for a reality show ever again.

Kasumi:[confessional) I survived on an mini island in Okinawa, this is nothing.

Duncan: [grunts] Let's just chill until the rescue team arrives.

Gwen: What if there isn't a rescue team? What if the producers think we're dead? I say we build a raft and try to sail back to camp.

Duncan: Good call. Let's get more lost.

Gwen: We need to build a raft!

Duncan: We need to stay put!

Gwen: Build a raft!

Duncan: Stay put!

Heather: Duh, we're not lost. This is just Chris' lame attempt at challenging our shipwrecked survival skills. I'm onto you, Chris!

Chris: [confessional] Ooh! I'm so scared!

Heather: I'm going for a walk. [confessional] Things were getting really tense. You have to remember that we were soaked, covered in bug bites, and starving. But I kept my wits about me, as always. It's a good thing at least one of us can remain calm and collected in the face of adversity. [real time] Not bad. Beats sleeping on the beach.

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