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"What a long day." I said and I took out the lantern. I rubbed it. Amanda appeared with a shy expression. "Amanda?" I smiled. She frowned. "What did you do?"

"What do you mean?" She looked away and she stroked her arm. I took her both hands and finally looked at me.

"Didn't you want to know far from yourself?" She lowered her head as if she would have committed a sin.

"Please answer." I begged and I reached under her chin with my right hand. She hugged me without any explanation. Everything was in that hug. Joy, sorrow, fear, despair. For some reason, my heart started drumming harder than usual. I knew why. I leaned from her.

"Amanda! Pay attention! I know my third wish." She smiled faintly at me and nodded. Her whole face showed that she wanted to hide her real feeling, but her eyes betrayed everything. "However, I don't want to be selfish and act out of self-interest, so I have to ask for your consent.

"What would it be?" She frowned.

"I've seen how painful this whole situation is for you and I don't want you to have to suffer in the future. I want to ask you to stay here with me..." I took a deep breath and I looked deep into her eyes. "And be my girlfriend. I want you to become a human like before. Of course, if you want that too, because if you don't, it doesn't matter and..." However, I couldn't finish my sentence because Amanda pulled her closer and kissed me. I kissed her back with a sigh of relief. I happily grabbed the lamp and put it in front of us. The last time I looked at her and she looked at me fearfully for fear of what would happen. I grabbed her left hand and I started rubbing the lantern with my right. "I want you to be human again." I looked at her. A red mist came out of the lantern. To my surprise, I let go of Amanda's hand and watched Amanda disappear and reappear in a red blouse and short jeans. Her hair now collapsed in beautiful waves on her shoulders and happily grasp her wrists that have been covered up so far because of the thick bracelets.

"The last lesson..." She started but I finished it.

"Love breaks through every wall." She smiled and we kissed each other.

The End

Genie in the bottleWhere stories live. Discover now