At School

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It was a morning when connor got a notification by his friend's Amaya and Greg, and it was about Addy they're
mermaid friend, how live in the ocean. And she contacts and tells them what happened

Addy: Pjmasks we have a problem something has happened. Octobella has taken over the kingdom, and we need your help. Can you come tonight?


The pjmasks are in hq when they see addy on the picture player sitting down on the sand, looking down on the ocean.

Catboy: Look it, Addy!

Owlttle: Yea. But she looks sad.

Gekko: Yea, she is sad. Let's go see Addy a bring our suit so we don't forget. Let's go on the gekko mobile. As gekko, catboy, and owlttle went inside the gekko mobile and drive on the sand to the beach and got out to say hi to Addy and she said hi back but in a sad voice.

Gekko: Hey Addy, what happened?

Addy: Thx God you, pjmaks, are here ok. I will tell you.As Addy tells them everything that happened last night in the kingdom.

Owlttle: OMG 😲! That what happened!

Gekko:Of course, octobella will definitely do something like that she is a villain after all.

Catboy: Yea, but a hole kingdom for herself, but why thought?

Addy: Idk, but all I know is she wants everything for herself but a kingdom? Does it not she have the moat to herself? So why does she need a kingdom for herself?

Gekko: Idk, but let go in Find out! As they put on their suit to go underwater.

Octobella takeover the Kingdom Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum