Sex And Cigarettes

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The hour of the reunion came and everybody was there 15 minutes before it started. Everybody arrived with their car and Björn was also bringing with him two extras. Linda was running and jumping happily around the parking lot while Christian was quietly resting his head on his father's shoulder while sucking his little thumb.

He was very tired of the beautiful day that they spent with their dad. Unlike Linda, whose energies were boundless, Christian was left without any strength when the evening came and all he needed was to sleep in his comfy bed.

Benny, Björn, Frida and Anna walked on the stairs reaching the conference room, where Stig and Gorel were already present, of course, waiting for them. Everybody took their seat around the huge glass table, also Linda did it, but before starting the meeting Björn decided that it was better to leave Christian on the couch and let him rest his eyes.

"No, I want to stay with Mama" He said with the lowest voice ever heard. After all Christian was Mama's boy and Mama's boy wanted his mother. Linda and Christian were like fire and water, just like their parents after all.

"Björn, give him to me. My little boy wants to stay with his mom" She said in a caring tone, taking her son into her arms. He wasn't that small anymore, he was almost 4 years old, but that didn't matter to her, not even a little bit. The time with her kids was precious when she had the luck to see them.

Björn smiled while looking at how identical Agnetha and Christian were; they had always been two peas in a pod and, as memories flashed before Björn's eyes for some seconds, he tried to fight the thought of missing her.

He couldn't think of that. It was late for that kind of thoughts and also things were going just fine in his new life. Just fine. "Just" fine.

Benny and Frida looked at that lovely scene with a smile on their face, but it was time to begin. The meeting passed talking about planned interviews and live performances and business, lots of money and business, all with Christian asleep and dangling, leaning on Agnetha's shoulder. She was supporting him with her fingers entwined under his bottom and her head resting on his little body, while Linda was quietly playing with her beloved dolls, also showing some signs of breaking down from tiredness.

The meeting ended after two long hours and everybody couldn't stand still anymore. They finally said goodnight to everybody and rushed outside the building. It was cold outside as every evening and the only wish for all of them was to come home, even if Agnetha had other plans in her mind.

"Anna I was thinking, if the kids want to, they can sleep at my place, they haven't in a long time" Björn asked her.

"Well sure, I think they'll be very happy about that. Do you have all the things that they need?"

"Yes I have pajamas, clothes, two beds and a roof. I think that's all we need" He laughed and took Christian from her arms.

"Come on I'm serious" She smiled and looked for Linda who was behind her, barely standing.

"Yes Agnetha, I have everything. Now let's go home, this little man can't really keep his eyes open anymore" He said and placed a tender kiss on his baby's head. Linda followed her father happily and entered his car. They were the first to leave as neither child could stand on his feet anymore, and Björn was also quite exhausted.

After him, Frida followed after greeting everybody and driving away from the parking lot. Gorel and Stig also disappeared in the night and so it was only Agnetha and Benny there. They walked and talked together while reaching their cars, they simply laughed and chatted about every little thing.

"Hey Anna" He stopped walking and asked her.


"Do you want to come in my car? Maybe we can continue talking there, it's freezing out here" He knew where that was going to lead and hoped that it was going to lead in the right way.

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