Dragon's Farewell

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Several days have passed since the unexpected attack, and an odd sensation of strength courses through your veins. A strength that was so familiar, yet seemed almost foreign due to its prolonged disuse. Ever since you became part of this peculiar world of mortals and joined their institution, known as a "school", you had been forced to suppress your inherent dragon abilities, using them sparingly.

The constraints of your new life had nearly starved you of the exhilarating sensation of harnessing your primal powers. But now, a newfound freedom allows you to openly embrace your true form. You can now glide around with your majestic wings unfurled, your sinuous tail creating mesmerizing patterns in the air, and your claws, sharp and gleaming, ready for any challenge. The only caveat being that you must refrain from using these powers to harm your fellow students.

The faculty of U.A. had recognized your potential from the very beginning. They had seen past your unusual appearance and understood the strength and allyship you brought to the table. Over time, it was possible that you had even endeared yourself to some of them. They may have developed a certain fondness for you, an affection that lay subtly hidden beneath the surface of their professional demeanor.

Your attention was drawn upwards by the sound of approaching footsteps. It was Izuku, returning from his visit to Recovery Girl's office. Catching sight of him, a smile graced your features, and you greeted him with an enthusiastic, "Oh hey, Zuku-kun!"

Sitting up straighter, you unfurled one of your wings in a welcoming gesture, creating a warm, protective space for him. The green-haired boy didn't hesitate for a moment before he flung himself into your waiting arms. It was then that you noticed the moisture clinging to his lashes, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.With a pang of concern, you asked softly, "Ah, why are you crying, love?" Your voice was a gentle whisper, barely audible, soothing. As you spoke, you began to stroke his hair in comforting circles, attempting to assuage his evident distress.

"I-I thought we lost you for a moment back there... The Nomu, it nearly k-killed you," Izuku's voice trembled, his words punctuated by soft sobs.

You blinked in surprise. That was not what had transpired. Who had dared to spread such misinformation about your performance in the skirmish? A low growl resonated deep within your throat, your wings tensing unconsciously at the falsity of his words. Izuku blinked in response, his tear-filled eyes wide with surprise. Had he unintentionally upset you?

"Uh, Y/N," he began tentatively, uncertainty seeping into his tone. You turned your gaze down to him, noticing how he had taken a step back. Offering him a small, reassuring smile, you softly replied, "Sorry, love. It's just that... I was completely fine."

To prove your point, you gestured towards your body. No new wounds marred your skin, only the scars from previous scuffles in your kingdom, each a testament to your resilience. Izuku's worry, although stemming from a place of love, was unnecessary and uncalled for. You were a dragon, after all, far stronger than the threats this mortal world posed.

"A-ah," he exhaled, a deep, hot blush creeping up his cheeks. You noticed it immediately, a warm chuckle escaping your lips. Gently, you took his hands in yours, your scales cool against his warm skin. "Don't worry, love. It's cute that you worry for me," you whispered, leaning forward to press a tender kiss to his slightly wounded knuckles.

"Now, let's get back to class. I'm sure the others are worried," you suggested, rising to your feet. He nodded, seemingly still in a daze, and began to walk alongside you. Although you were taller than him by a head or so, due to your age and dragon stature, the sight of the two of you walking together was endearing.

You recalled how much Izuku had grown since the first time you'd laid eyes on him. Back then, he was a skinny, timid boy, but now he had matured both physically and mentally. All Might had truly played a significant role in boosting his confidence, and you couldn't help but feel proud of his progress.

"Young Y/N, Midoriya!" A familiar, deep voice echoed through the hallway, causing both of you to halt in your tracks. Looking up, you saw All Might standing there in his hero form, a warm smile gracing his features.

"Ah, All Might," you greeted, respectfully dipping your head in acknowledgment. You released Izuku's hand, nudging him gently towards his mentor. "Go on, love. I'll be checking in with the others," you suggested, giving him an encouraging nod. The green-haired boy nodded in response, his gaze lingering on you as you walked away.

"You like her, don't you?" All Might asked Izuku once you were out of earshot. His tone was uncharacteristically stern, and for some inexplicable reason, it stirred a sense of unease within Izuku's stomach. The mere thought of losing you to his mentor was an unsettling prospect he hadn't anticipated.

Izuku found himself meeting All Might's intense gaze, the man's dark blue eyes piercing into his own. "I-- yes, yes I do," Izuku admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. All Might's lips twitched slightly at this confession. He didn't look angry, but Izuku could tell he was concealing his true emotions. After all, Izuku himself had become adept at hiding his own feelings whenever he saw you interacting with the others, especially Bakugo. It stirred a twinge of jealousy within him, the notion that others might have a chance at winning your heart.

"Well, that's okay," All Might finally responded, his voice sounding slightly strained. He stood up straight, his muscles flexing with the movement. "Let's get you to class. I'll see you tonight at the beach as usual," he added, before turning on his heel and heading towards Class 1-A.

As Izuku followed behind, his gaze fell on you. You were being swarmed by your classmates, their arms wrapped around you in affectionate hugs and their voices filled with warm words of welcome. Despite his brewing insecurities, seeing you so loved and cherished brought a small smile to his face.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine, don't worry!" you exclaimed as Denki embraced you tightly, his electricity nearly shocking you. "Denki, that's enough," you warned, your tone firm yet playful.

At the sound of your voice, the blonde-haired boy stiffened, but he didn't let go of your waist. The sparks that had been radiating off of him, however, ceased. The entire class had frozen, all eyes fixated on you as your wings gently pried the exuberant young man away from you.

"You are clingy, geez," you laughed, patting his head affectionately. "You remind me of my sister's daughters!" Your words broke the tension in the room, eliciting a round of laughter from your classmates. Despite the chaos of the day, the camaraderie within Class 1-A remained a comforting, unchanging constant.

Feeling a pair of eyes on you, you glanced up to find All Might staring at you. Locking eyes with the Symbol of Peace, you offered him a small, warm smile. It caused him to blush and quickly avert his gaze, much to Izuku's amusement. His mentor, the biggest hero in the world, was flustered by a dragon queen's smile. Well, so am I, Izuku thought, his own smile growing as you turned your attention back to Bakugo.

Suddenly, Bakugo tried to explode Kirishima for annoying him. Quick to prevent any damage, you twirled your tail around Bakugo's body, effortlessly lifting him off the ground. His surprised shout echoed through the room, "Oi, lizard bastard, put me down!"

Your laughter rang out in response, the vibrations from his explosive outburst tickling your tail. "Calm down, firecracker," you chuckled, your amusement evident in your voice. The class erupted into laughter at the sight, Bakugo's fiery temperament making for an entertaining spectacle.

With a gentle motion, your tail curled back towards you, setting Bakugo down carefully onto the ground. He was blushing wildly, shooting you the most deadly glare he could muster while he was so flustered. Ignoring his embarrassment, you stood up and straightened the creases in your uniform.

"Anyway, I better get back to my sleeping hollow. I will see you all tomorrow," you announced, clicking your tongue in a playful manner. One by one, you kissed each of them on the cheek, nose, or forehead, depending on what you could reach. With that, you turned and walked away, leaving behind a class flushed and slightly dazed from your affectionate farewell.

What you didn't know, however, was that a man with purple, spiky hair was watching you with tired, enigmatic eyes. His gaze lingered on your retreating figure, a possessive thought clouding his mind. One day, kitten, you will be mine and mine alone.

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