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Avonlea lay bathed in an ethereal light,

the moon casting an icy sheen upon the landscape. The fading hues of summer surrendered to the barren beauty of impending frost, a reminder of the harsh realities lurking beyond the sanctuary of the family's home. Winter was near.

In the heart of the keep, Colleen nestled herself on a high-backed chair, a crackling fire alit in the chimney as she read to herself discreetly a letter.

"Dearest Colleen," the letter began, written in her father's bold script. "Dark omens loom over our lands. The swords clash, and the skies weep crimson tears. I implore thee, my beloved daughter, flee Avonlea with haste. War descends upon us like a relentless tempest."

With a heart aflutter with concern, she wrestled with the weight of her father's words against the backdrop of an approaching storm.

"Find safety beyond these lands," the inked plea continued, urging her to abandon the hearts she cherished. "Trust not the tales whispered in the village square..."

The distant echoes of soldiers preparing for battle reached her ears, their armor clinking faintly in the frigid night. Each metallic note carried the weight of impending conflict, the sound a haunting reminder of the turmoil on the horizon. The village outside, once a bastion of serenity, now hummed with a dark energy, alive with hushed whispers and the muted cadence of preparation.

Near the window behind her, Mrs Mary watched from the darkness with great sadness. She had lived through two wars in her lifetime, and hoped to have never seen another. Alas, life was fair game for no one. "I fear what is to come." Said the old woman. Colleen's emotions mirrored hers. Wary grey eyes locked with hers. "War is no place for a young woman like you. Colleen, I am afraid you must flee this manslaughter."

Panic flooded the young girl's veins like a carp in a river. "Where will I go? And what of you?"

To this day she never received an answer.

Standing amidst the pristine blanket of freshly fallen snow, Colleen found herself in a line, patiently awaiting the distribution of rations, a somber testament to the looming trials ahead. The winter air was crisp, each breath a visible puff of warmth escaping into the chilly atmosphere.

As the queue slowly shuffled forward, her eyes inadvertently caught sight of him— the wealthy man not of the village, here, amidst the gathering for rations. His presence was shrouded in an aura of mystery that piqued her curiosity.

His demeanor held a sense of quiet humility about him as he engaged in the communal endeavor, handing out blankets and sharing words of encouragement. The air of sophistication she imagined he would hold seemed to be replaced by genuine empathy.

The man possessed a strong jawline complemented by a hint of stubble that accentuated his masculine charm, his eyes the depth of the night sky. Dark locks that framed a noble brow, a straight nose and a well-defined regal posture completed his captivating appearance, leaving an indelible impression of strength, allure, and refined elegance.

Colleen couldn't help but wonder what had brought him to this place, to this line where the destitute gathered for their basic needs. From what she had heard prior, he came in search of a bride. Now an unspoken question lingered in the winter air—what motive lay behind the presence of the enigmatic gentleman in the midst of those seeking aid? She wanted to know more of him...

"Hello." The black haired beauty greeted as she drew nearer.

The man's gaze fell onto hers as if to find the source of such a small voice. He returned the look of curiosity, his eyes dancing over her being. "Hello, lady..."


"Lady Colleen." He repeated. She shivered at the sound of it coming off of his lips. "Is it food that you need, or perhaps bedding?"

His attire spoke of sophistication. Muted charcoal shoes paired with a tailored coat of rich deep hues and a regal burgundy graced his broad shoulders, the fabric whispering with every movement.

"No. Well, yes. But also. . . who are you exactly?" His smile reminded her that she was speaking to no ordinary man, although he appeared to be more amused than offended. "Forgive my nosiness. I am only—"

"An Inquisitive little thing."

She smiled shamefully, afraid he could make out her blush. "I have heard of your arrival in Avonlea many times. I suppose it was unexpected to find you distributing rations to those in need. I commend it."

"Fortune smiles upon those who find themselves in unexpected places."

"Fortune favors the unexpected, it seems."

The snow-dusted village square hummed with the sounds of life. "I merely can resist acknowledging such grace amidst the town's bustle." He said.

Despite Colleen's initial nonchalance when she had first heard of him, fondness grew within her. Perhaps it was the way his gaze lingered with genuine concern that transcended mere politeness.

"You flatter me." She smiled under her dark hair.

A distant rumble shattered their bubble—the harbinger of impending conflict. Startled, they both turned toward the horizon, where dark clouds amassed like a looming storm. It felt almost as if Avonlea had never even seen a storm until then.

"Lord Beaumont." A messenger clad in haste approached on horseback, urgency etched on his face. With a swift exchange of words, a mask of concern replaced the lord's once composed demeanor.

"I must go," the gentleman announced regretfully.

With a solemn look and a shared breath that seemed to suspend time, his figure vanished into the wintry twilight. The two parted ways that day, but somehow Colleen knew that their paths would forever remain entwined, tethered by duty, choice, and an uncertain future...

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