Chapter 586: Grandma, You're So Young!

Start from the beginning

When these visitors came to the Xiao family last night, most of the Xiao family members had already eaten dinner. Xiao Lingyu's notice came too late. It was impossible to prepare proper dishes, so they only served some simple tomato and egg noodles.

There were only three tables set up yesterday.

There were four tables set up this afternoon. There were quite a lot of people from the Xiao family and the Gong family. They had to squeeze around the table.

An Xiaohui and the others looked at the dishes, and they thought, 'They are really ordinary home-cooked dishes.'

The dishes included green onion tofu, fried peanuts, shiitake mushrooms, rapeseed, green stir-fried cabbage, fermented tofu, braised pork trotters, beef brisket, braised radish, preserved vegetables, steamed fish, fried fish, and a chicken soup.

"It's so rich and fragrant!"

The visitors at the table swallowed their saliva and moved their fingers, wishing they could put the dishes into their mouths. The fragrance was too tempting. How many could resist the temptation?

"I really want to dig in!" Ye Feifei said.

"Miss, you can!" Grandma Xiao said with a laugh, "These dishes are not prepared for you to look after all."

Ye Feifei looked around and didn't seem to see anyone moving their chopsticks. With her upbringing, of course, she wouldn't be the first to eat, especially when there were elders in front of her.

Grandma Xiao said with a smile, "Boys and girls, is there anyone who knows how to drink? How about I bring out two jars of authentic rice wine that we brewed ourselves. It's fragrant and delicious."

"Rice wine?" Someone's eyes lit up, seemingly interested.

Rice wine was not like white wine, which was fragrant and spicy. Instead, it had a sweet taste. It was like a fruit wine, but mellower than fruit wine.

"Auntie, can you give us two jars to try?" Li Jian said.

Grandma Xiao smiled and introduced herself. "I'm Yu 'Er's grandmother." She pointed at her eldest granddaughter. "You're about the same age as my granddaughter, so you can call me Grandma."

When the visitors heard that this auntie, who looked to be in her fifties, was actually Xiao Lingyu's grandmother, they were stunned. "Grandma? That's impossible. You look so young! It's unbelievable!"

Grandma Xiao smiled and said, "I'm old already. I'm almost seventy-five years old!"

"75 years old? Grandma, you look so young. You barely look over 60. Grandma, what is your beauty ritual?"

Of course, rural old ladies could not be compared to the old ladies from the rich families in the big cities. The rich old ladies in the big cities knew how to take care of themselves and were willing to spend money on beauty products. The old ladies in their 60s and 70s looked like they were only middle-aged. Of course, this was built with money.

Therefore, when they saw rural old ladies like Grandma Xiao looking so young, they were shocked.

Grandma Xiao said with a smile, "What beauty rituals? We don't have that in the countryside. We eat well, sleep well and have a good mentality. Laugh often, and you'll be young.

"Alright, you've walked for half a day. You must be tired and hungry. Hurry up and eat. If you don't eat, the food will get cold in this weather, and it won't taste good. I'll go and bring you two jars of wine now."

Grandma Xiao had just taken two steps when she thought of something and turned back to ask, "Are any of you going to drive? If you do, you're not allowed to drink. The rice wine might not be strong, but it's still alcohol."

Li Jian replied with a smile, "Grandma, we're backpackers. We use bicycles and not cars."

However, Grandma Xiao said with a serious face, "That is still using the road. You can't be drunk even just riding bicycles. It's too dangerous."

The visitors, "..."

Li Jian said with a smile, "Grandma, we are going out to play in the afternoon. We are not going to ride bicycles. Don't worry, Grandma. We won't get drunk." He paused and continued, "If we really get drunk, we can just sleep it off."

Only then was Grandma Xiao satisfied. "Alright, I'll bring you some wine now."

Then, someone shouted, "If you guys don't want to eat, then I will. I can't resist the temptation anymore!"

Then, the chopsticks instantly moved.

The person who spoke,"..." Damn, if I had known earlier, I would have just moved my chopsticks and not my mouth.

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