Truth Or Dare Part 11 (Final)

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Ali: Okay, who is next? Oh, Rizka! Truth or dare?

Rizka: Dare!

Ali: Okay, text Sam if you're couple with him "We are Rizsam".

Everyone: *looks at Rizka* Oh my god, Rizka has to text Sam that they are "Rizsam"! *cheers loudly* This game is so fun, seriously.

(Rizka grins nervously and opens her phone)

Rizka: *texts Sam and sends the message*

Everyone: *looks at Sam and waits for a response* Oh, my god! Sam, does she like you? What is he gonna say?

Sam: *texts back* Yep! We are officially "Rizsam"! *shows the message to everyone*

(Rizka embarrassed and she passed out with smile)

Everyone: *looks at Rizka* Oh my god, Rizka passed out!? Did she get too embarrassed? This game is so intense and funny! *continues to look at Rizka with worried expressions*

Sam: *taps Rizka's cheek to wake her up* Rizka, come on! This is a game! Wake up! We are not couple in real life!

(Rizka slowly wakes up while everyone else stares)

Everyone: *looks at Rizka* Oh, thank god! You're awake, Rizka! Are you okay?

Rizka: I'm okay. Hehe~

Everyone: *cheers and hugs Rizka happily* Rizka's okay! Thank god! This game is really fun! We're having a blast here. *continues to hug Rizka and smiles at her*

(Sam grins while looking at Rizka)

Sam: Now that Rizka is okay, it's my turn. Truth or dare, Rizka?

Rizka: Truth!

Everyone: *looks at Rizka* Truth? Oh my god! I can't wait for this!

(Rizka smiles while everyone waits for Sam to ask a question)

Sam: *looks at Rizka* Uhm... Rizka, do you have a crush on Ali? *grins and looks at Rizka*

(Everyone looks at Rizka, who blushes and starts to stammer)

Rizka: No, I just have you.

Everyone: *looks at Rizka* Oh my god, she actually said the truth! She likes Sam!

Sam: *grins and hugs Rizka* Thanks for telling the truth, Rizka!

Everyone: *cheers and laughs* Yes, that's right! Rizka has a crush on Sam! *continues to look at Rizka and Sam, who are both blushing*

Roza: *whispers with Mika* They are "Rizsam". Hehe~

(Mika whispers back to Roza)

Mika: *whispers back* I know, Roza! Isn't it cute? *continues to whisper to Roza while everyone else looks at Rizka and Sam*

Rizka: My turn! Ali! Truth or dare?

Ali: Dare!

Rizka: Okay, draw some moustache on Alicia's face!

Ali: *shocked* What? No!

Everyone: *looks at Alicia* Alicia will look really funny with a moustache! *continues to watch Alicia, who is now blushing*

Alicia: Please, don't do it, Ali!

Ali: *looks at Alicia while grinning* I have to... Because that's the dare you asked for, Rizka.

Alicia: But I'm going to look so ugly... *looks at Rizka and whines a little*

Everyone: *continues to look at Alicia while laughing* Ah yes, Ali must draw a moustache on Alicia's face!

*Ali use a permanent maker to draw moustache on Alicia's face*

Everyone: *looks at Alicia* Wow, look at the moustache Ali drew on Alicia! *continues to stare and laughs* Oh, my god! The moustache looks so ugly and funny on Alicia!

Alicia: *looks at her moustache and sighs while everyone laughs* Why, Ali? *looks a bit annoyed and takes out a mirror to look at the moustache*

Everyone: *laughs loudly and continues to look at Alicia and her moustache*

Alicia: *takes out a face wipe and rubs the wipe on her moustache*

*Skip on video of Mutahar laugh meme*

Alicia: *cleans the moustache off her face and sighs*

Everyone: *looks at Alicia while giggling* Wow, the moustache is gone! She looked really weird while having it.

(Everyone looks at Alicia and grins)

Alicia: I do not look weird, okay? The moustache made me look weird and ugly.

Everyone: *laughs loudly and nods* Yeah, Alicia! You were super ugly while having the moustache. That's exactly right!

(Alicia chuckles and puts up her middle finger)

Ali: *gulps* Eh?

Everyone: *looks at Ali and notices that he's startled* Oh, my god! Ali is startled! *continues to look at Ali with expressions of concern* You okay, Ali?

Alicia: *sees Ali's reaction with a smirk* Oh, Ali is startled by someone giving the middle finger! *grins at Ali*

(Alicia continues to giggle while everyone else still stares at Ali)

Ali: *scary and go on behind Rizka*

Everyone: *sees Ali walking towards Rizka* Oh, my god... Ali is scared of the middle finger? Really? *continues to stare at Ali*

(Rizka sees Ali walking towards her, and looks confused)

Rizka: *stares at Ali while giggling* Ali? *looks at him with an eyebrow raised* You really are scared by the finger? *continues to giggle and shake her head while everyone else stares and laughs*

The end of part 11

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