Truth or Dare Part 3

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Rizka: Well, I'm not ready yet.

Everyone: We want to keep playing!!

Alicia: Yeah! Why are you stopping it here?

Ali: I have no idea what I ask you.

Everyone: Come on! We wanna keep going! The game isn't over yet!

(Everyone starts to lean in, waiting for Ali's answer)

Ali: Okay, okay. We keep playing.

Everyone: *smiles and nods their heads* Yes! That's great!

(Once again everyone leans in, ready for Ali's question)

Ali: Okay, Rizka. Truth or dare?

Rizka: Dare!

Ali: Okay, edit picture with Moon and Rudy on love background! Haha!

Rizka: Oh god... I guess I have to do it...

(Rizka takes her phone and goes to edit the photo with Moon and Rudy on a love background)

Rizka: Oh my goodness... Um... Here it is!

(Rizka shows everyone a photo of Moon and Rudy on a love background)

Moon: Wait what?! I don't love Rudy!

Rudy: Oh come on, Moon... You know we both like each other...

(Rudy smiles at Moon)

(Moon cover her face. All agents including Ali, Rudy and Rizka laugh at Moon.)

Rizka: Oh gee, Moon... You can't deny it, you do like him...

(Rizka and Rudy laugh while looking at Moon)

Rizka: Don't be shy, Moon... *laughs more*

Ali: Haha! Okay, next. Bulat, truth or dare?

Bulat: Truth!

Ali: Okay, do you love Mika?

Bulat: H... Hmm... Uh...

(Bulat starts to turn red)

Bulat: Um... I... I...

(Bulat turns away and looks down, as everyone can clearly tell he likes Mika)

Mika: No, I just friend of him.

(Everyone laughs harder)

Rizka: Oh you like him, don't deny it! *laughs*

(Rizka teases Bulat more while Bulat just blushes more and more)

Mika: Up to you, Bulat.

(Mika sigh with smile)

Bulat: I... I do like you Mika, actually...

(Bulat turns bright red, while everyone laughs even harder)

(Rizka holds body and can't stop laughing)

Bulat: Stop laughing! Please!

(Bulat covers his face and sits back in his seat, while everyone continues to laugh)

Ali: Oh, yeah. Next, Sam! Truth or dare?

Sam: Dare!

Ali: Okay, go kiss Rizka!

Sam: *laughs nervously* Uh... Are you serious?!

(Sam looks at Rizka who smiles back, wanting Sam to come and kiss her)

Sam: Oh geez, I... I don't know if I can do this...

(Sam approaches Rizka to kiss her)

Rizka: *smiles and closes her eyes*

(Sam kisses Rizka on the lips for a moment, before stepping away and wiping his mouth)

Sam: Ugh... That was tough...

(Sam smiles at Rizka who is giggling)

Ali: Oh my god! Rizka and Sam are become "Rizsam"!

(Ali and all agents laugh at Rizka and Sam)

Rizka: *giggles* Oh come on, it was just a dare... And a tiny kiss on the lips doesn't mean we're a couple now...

(Rizka gives Sam a playful nudge and turns away, while Sam just smiles at her)

Ali: Come on. That is not a secret.

Rizka: *tries to ignore it* Oh... Whatever, I'm not interested in him.

(Rizka crosses her arms and leans away while Sam slowly comes closer to her)

Sam: Just to remind you, we still have two dares left... *smiles*

(Rizka gulps and she nervous)

Rizka: *starts to sweat* Um...

(Rizka turns away from Sam again, trying to avoid making eye contact)

Sam: *reaches out to touch her cheek* Come on, don't ignore me...

(Sam says as he touches her cheek, making Rizka blush even more)

(All agents including Ali, Moon, Rudy, Roza and Mika laugh at Sam and Rizka)

Rizka: *turns bright red* M... My cheeks... Stop it...

(Rizka tries to turn away from Sam again, but he doesn't let her go)

Sam: You have to answer the other dares, Rizka... *smirks*

Rizka: *groans* I... I know already...

(Rizka wait for the dares)

Sam: Well alright then... I think the next dare will be... *looks around* Oh I got it!

(Sam smiles at Rizka while everyone leans in, wanting to hear the next dare)

Sam: I dare you to kiss me...

(Everyone just stares at Rizka and Sam for a moment, before suddenly bursting out in laughter)

Rizka: *covering her face* Oh geez, what have I gotten myself into...

(Ali and all agents laugh once again)

Rizka: No! I don't wanna do that dare! I can't do it...

(Rizka starts to turn red while Sam tries to grab her arm)

Sam: Oh come on, it's just a dare... Give it a try, Rizka... You owe me three dares now...

(Sam says while still trying to grab Rizka's arm)

(Ali and all agents are wait)

Rizka: *rolls her eyes and sighs* Fine...

(Rizka finally gives in and leans over to kiss Sam on the lips for a moment, before stopping and leaning back in her seat)

Rizka: Happy now?!

(Rizka crosses her arms and covers her face in embarrassment, as everyone laughs)

Ali: Oh my god! I can't stop laughing!

Sam: *laughs too* That dare... that wasn't so bad though, right? *smiles at Rizka*

(Sam leans over and touches her cheek again, making Rizka blush once again)

Rizka: *looks away* L... Let me go, Sam... Please... *crosses her arms*

(Sam just smiles at Rizka)

Rizka: Ali! Help me...

Ali: *giggles and rolls his eyes* Okay okay... Sam, if you wanna keep that cute face of yours, I would let go of Rizka now...

(Sam looks at Ali and laughs)

Sam: Haha... Yeah, you're right... Maybe I should... *lets go of Rizka*

The end part 3

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