Love you Goodbye

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Ishan's POV

My mind is racing in a thousand different directions seeing Shubman in front of me. I couldn't possibly believe that Shubman would be in their place at almost midnight. "Didn't he say to him that he would erase every photo, place, and memory with me from his life? What is this idiot doing here? Does he have a little sense of how risky is this at the hour?"

Urgh Why does he have to be so unpredictable? 

"Ishan, what are you doing here?"

Now what do I tell him? Huh, tell him that I was so fade up saving you from myself that I decided to take a break and relive one of the happiest moments of my life but now it was in fact without you.Answer you, idiot. 

"Uh, I am here for the tea, yes for the tea". See that wasn't too hard.

"Since when do you drink lemon tea? Didn't you hate that flavor with passion?''

Oh, shit. It was his favorite. I always hated that flavor. But in the past month, I had picked up a few of his regular habits and this is one of them. 

"I..Aaa..I mean it's okay". I mentally cursed myself for stuttering this much.

Shubman didn't say anything after that. I swear he was controlling his tears. His face was like stone but his eyes gave it away every time. 

Neutral POV

It was killing Ishan to refrain himself hugging Shubman. It was taking every bit of willpower. He knew he can't. He was showing more emotion than he should because all this cold jerky behaviour that Ishan had built up in these past months seemed to crumble in front of Shubman.

"What are you doing here, Shubi?" Fuck. That nickname slipped out before he could even control it. 

"Don't call me that. Just don't."

It was a straight slap to Ishan. A reminder of what he had done to this beautiful soul.

"Okay, Just answer me."

"I don't think I'm bound to answer you."

"Listen, Shubi...Shubman. You realize that we have to play in the same team after IPL"

"I think I'm well aware of that."

"Let's get past whatever has happened between us. Trust me it's what's best for us"

" Trust you? Nice joke Ishan"

Shubman was now really proud of himself. He paid the bill and was about to leave the stall. 

"Where do you think you're going in this rain?"

Oh, Shubman forgot that Mother Nature was still playing her dramatic background music.

"I think I can manage myself" But Shubman wasn't sure how.

Before Ishan could react Shubman was out of the tea stall and drenching himself in the rain. Ishan immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. And of course like in all the movies and stories, they felt an electric jolt by just simply touching each other.

And the moment was interrupted by a call on Ishan's mobile.


"Bhaiya I'm at a tea stall. Sorry, I needed some fresh air."

"I promise you will be sorry. Now tell me, is Shubman with you?"


"Send me your location right now. I'm coming."Rohit said before ending the call.

 Ishan cursed under his breath when the call ended. 

"What happened?", Shubman asked.

"Rohit Bhaiya is coming to get us."

"That is not so good news."

"Yeah, I know. Seems like you and me have to come up with a nice story why are we in a local tea store in the middle of the night in Mumbai without any security or disguise."

"C'mon stop scaring me," Shubman whined.

"Stop whining and think about a trustworthy and realistic story. And your situation will be worse than mine due to your reckless act of going out in the rain."

"Oh shut up."

Ishan thought for a moment and said

"Listen, they were skeptical about why aren't we interacting as much as before. So let's pretend it's one of our silly fights in which we ended up sneaking here."

"Why did you do it Ishan?"

Ishan gulped but casually said,

"Do what?"

"Don't act like a fool. You damn well know what you did. Don't you think I deserved at least an explanation?"

 Ishan was just screaming inside, in his head it was all "Please don't do it, Shubi. If you continue saying like this, I'll break down. I have had enough in the last couple of months."

Instead of saying all these Ishan just remained silent. Thankfully Rohit came along with Shreyash to pick them up.

They set up the narrative pretty well. At least they sounded convincing. After a good amount of scolding about their recklessness, they went to bed. Rohit was really happy that they went back to their normal silly personality. 

Yes, they acted like best friends. In the eyes of the people they're always were, are, and will be best friends, Ishan sadly thought. 

But Ishan thought much more deeper than that. He replayed every conversation with Suhbman in his head, every single word that they spoke, and came to a conclusion,

"Sorry, I couldn't give us the perfect epilogue, Shubman Gill. But I can at least give you a closure." 

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