2.Silk and Satin

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My eyes were still closed. The lingering side effects of nausea had died down immediately. My body was lying in a plush and soft surface, comfy. A little too comfy for a dungeon. Dungeon.

I bolt upright. DUNGEON. I am kidnapped. I groaned. I was on a bed. Does dungeons have bed?

I looked up towards the ceiling. It was rich navy blue as the whole room. A chandelier hung from the centre, radiating warm glow of faint yellow lights. There were golden veils running on the upper corners tainting the navy colour with lavishness. Every furniture was made from the same type of wood. Mahogany. A night stand near the bed I was lying in a dresser in front of the bed along with a large mirror covering half the wall near the dresser. Maybe this is what rich peoples dungeons look s like.

I'm in the east and to my north was two floor to ceiling windows to each corner. I walked towards it. The view was surreal. Pine trees, thick, tall pine trees covering every inch of land. There was nothing in front of me other than those pine trees. No roads, no people, nothing. Literally nothing. I scoffed. I'm struck. I can't escape. The floor was three storeys high from the downward view. Then I walked towards the door and banged on it. Hard. No reply. I continued banging till my hands were scarlet and bruised from the intense action.

I gave up and slid down to the ground. The floor was also wooden.

Thud, thud, thud. The voice of footsteps echoed outside the door. The sound was getting near and near and I stood up abruptly, ready to fight any demon that would come into my eyesight. The footsteps stopped in front of my door. There were sounds of metal clinging and the door opened with a click.

I jumped at the figure only to be caught and pulled down to the ground on my stomach with my hands gripped tightly behind me. I sneezed as a layer of dust that was settled on the floor started to float around. I stood up when I got the chance.

Sneeze. Sniff. Sneeze. Sniff. This continued for several seconds. My head was dizzy and I was stumbling around. Dust allergies. I waved a hand in front of my face when my sneezes finally subdued. I could finally breathe.

I looked towards the figure. Azure eyes and raven hair. The smell of smoke and luxury floated around the air with a tint of spices. Ufff. That guy responsible for my kidnapping.

"Wear this" he threw a gown at me. "And...don't forget to take a bath- you stink." 'Cause you fucking kidnapped me. I don't know how much days it became since I took a bath cause I just fucking woke up now.

A scoff escaped past my lips and I slammed the door at his face and walked towards the attached washroom. I don't care if he killed me. There is no use in living. Jobless, homeless now probably as i haven't paid the rent for the past few months, lifeless as my soul left my body when i was kidnapped.

(Time skip)

A few hours later.

After a long and refreshing shower I walked out of the washroom wrapped in a towel and opened the dresser. All the toiletries were there in the washroom and the dresser included innerwear's of my size. Unbelievable. The kidnapping felt like planned, as if they were expecting me. I changed and wore the dress that whatshisname guy gave me.

It was an elegant olive green silk material. I traced my fingers along it, amazed by its beauty. Without wasting much time I ushered the white heels that was kept near the door, that was too perfectly fitting and my size. There were a set of accessories kept on the table lying in a corner with a vase filled with fresh roses.

I didn't see that before.

I put it on and took a look at the mirror. Is that me? My breathe hitched. I don't know why I obeyed him, maybe i was just curious how the material of the cloth will feel on my skin. Or was it his demanding tone. Wear this. he had said.

There was a creak to my right and the door was open and the figure leaning on the doorframe was whatshisname. Assessing me from head to toe with his brows raised and hands crossed over his chest. I think I heard a perfect over there.

He started walking towards me. His steps soft and gentle like a panther waiting to pounce on its prey.

"Work for me or die, Camila" His deep demanding voice send a shiver down my spine. Work for me or die. I repeated inside my head. I'd never want to work for my kidnapper. But, I prefer living or maybe even sometimes I could escape if I got a chance.

My curiosity would kill me one day. As all I wanted to know was what job would he have in hand for me. I'm sure it would be something minor. Yeah. I assured myself.

how does he know my name, though? What do you expect from criminals?

"what can I do for you, sir?" My voice was high in bravery even though my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Be my wife"

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