"Hmm...I guess you can," Nick said in a dramatic complaining tone. Charlie giggled, and Nick handed him his backpack, which Charlie put over his shoulder, as he was now carrying two backpacks. He hopped on Nick's back wrapping his arms around his neck, as he collapsed his head onto Nick's shoulder and closed his eyes, falling asleep to Nick's addicting scent.

Finally, they got up the stairs, but Nick noticed Charlie had fallen asleep on him. Nick sighed. But except he couldn't be mad at Charlie, he couldn't even last a day of being mad at him. Charlie was the cutest to Nick.

"Char... were here," Nick said softly. Charlie woke up, still tired. He nodded weakly.

"M'kay," He murmured, before getting off Nick's back. They went up to the balcony.

"My mum wants us to take a picture," Nick said. Charlie nodded before pulling out his phone.

"Smile..." Charlie reminded, which actually made Nick smile. He snapped the photo before putting it back in his pocket.

"Hey, Nick!" A random person called. They turned their head to see it was of course one of Harry's mates.

"Is that hickey from you then?!" They said, which earned laughter
from everyone. Charlie looked at Nick worried.

"What if it was...you jealous?" Nick insulted, Charlie just stared at him blushing so hard right now. Everyone laughed at Nick's comeback. But part of Charlie was still scared. He scooted closer to Nick.

"Maybe we shouldn't be hanging out right now...a lot of people will think it was you who did...you know," Charlie suggested. Nick leaned closer to him, which made Charlie's stomach explode with butterflies.

"You do know...it was me," Nick flirted. Charlie then felt weak in the knees. Nick's eyes flickered down to Charlie's lips, then returned to Charlie's eyes.

"Y-yeah I think I remember you being there," Charlie stammered. All Charlie thought is how could Nick ever like him. He didn't believe it.

"Yeah?" Nick chuckled lightly. Charlie was speechless. It's like he was going to die if he didn't kiss Nick right now.

"Yeah," Charlie confirmed. He looked down at Nick and his hands, and he moved his fingers where their barely touching Nick's knuckles.

Nick looked down at their hands, and he took Charlie's hands in his, tracing Charlie's knuckles with his thumb. Charlie smiled at him. He then wondered why Nick had gone with him instead of Imogen, self-consciousness building up inside him.

"Why...did you go with me...you could've gone with Imogen," Charlie asked. Nick peeked to make sure no one was looking, and no one was. He removed his hand from Charlie's and cupped his cheek. Nick caressed Charlie's face using his thumb.

"Because...you know it's always going to be you," Nick said softly, and Charlie leaned into his touch. In the end, Nick would always choose Charlie.

The group had finally made it to the Louvre, Elle was tired of her and Tao acting weird. She liked Tao, and Tao liked her, so why is it so difficult, it shouldn't be. She walked up to Tao and offered her hand which Tao took, and they ran off giggling.

Meanwhile, Tara and Darcy weren't doing so well either. Darcy has been avoiding Tara's question, ever since she said I love you. Of course, she meant it, but Darcy doesn't believe it, she didn't believe anyone could ever love her. Tara decided to ask her about it and hoping she wouldn't avoid the question.

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