5. Confused

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All Nick is thinking right is:
I am... so... confused!
I mean He doesn't know what he is! Could he be gay or bisexual??

He decided to do some research so he pulled out his laptop and tried looking up the word bisexual.

It means if you like or lik(ed) more than one gender. I mean right now he obviously likes a boy but if he can remember he did kiss a girl once when he was thirteen.

Tara Jones. He thinks he had feelings for her. Could this be him. He doesn't want to try to figure it out all in one day. He wants to take his time so he doesn't end up stressing himself out.

He closes his laptop and looks up at the ceiling, a million thoughts going through his head.


Charlie's House:
Charlie and Nick are studying right now at his house. Honestly Nick doesn't really understand these stuff Charlie is usually the smart one.

Charlie looks up at Nick and noticed him struggling he then sighs before saying,

"Do you need help?" Nick sighs with relief.

"Yes please!" Right there laying on there stomachs, Charlie moves close to him, in fact so close that there shoulders are literally touching. Nick looks away blushing. Charlie helps him out teaching him step by step.

Charlie takes a second to admire him as Nick is looking somewhere else. Charlie then take his phone out snapping a picture of him. Nick quickly turns his head smirking.

"Um, excuse me!" Charlie giggles. Nick launches forward to try and grab the phone but Charlie dodges him.

"Um I'm not letting you delete my masterpiece!!" Charlie tells him, but Nick doesn't listen instead he tickles Charlie, which makes him die of laughter.

"Oh my god! You dick!" Charlie laughs. Nick gets a hold of his phone and takes it. "Um no!" Charlie rolls on top of him trying to take it back. They both get flustered and realize what position there in. Where Charlie's hovering over Nick as Charlie had his wrist pinned beside him with Nick holding Charlies phone. They're faces are literally centimeters apart.


Higgs Grammar:
Elle wasn't lonely anymore she now had two friends, Tara and Darcy. It was nice to have people to talk to everyday. She looked over to Tara and Darcy and they seemed really close. Which filled her with suspicion.

"Oh my god stop it! Why are you hands so cold! It's literally spring!" Tara yelled as Darcy had her hands on her face. Butterflies spun around them.

"Let me feel yours than." Darcy set her hands on Tara's. "Jonsey!How yours maintain warm!" Darcy complaied. Tara laughed.

"Like I said it's springtime!" Tara reminded her. Elle just knew they had to be together.

Elle thought maybe that's what best friends do. But she didn't think much about it and decided to just leave it. If they were together they would've told Elle. Right?


Tara was just sitting in the music room scrolling through her phone. When she heard some whispers as people walked past the door.

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