14. Paris

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The next day is the Paris trip meeting today. Which means finally the actual trip is tomorrow. Nick could not wait to get away. Something felt wrong today like he was a little out of it, and he really, really didn't feel like seeing Charlie, or anyone. I know it sounds mean but, I didn't feel like being social. I think it's mainly because of David coming back.

The gang met up at the big circle table and there was another girl with Tara, Darcy, and Elle who they weren't familiar with.

"Oh guys, this is Sahar!" Tara introduced her, as Sahar smiled sweetly.

"Hey..." Sahar said shyly. They all introduced themselves saying hi to her.

"Isaac!" A random guy ran over to Isaac. It shocked everyone, they felt like there was something going on between them.

"Oh hi, James!" Isaac said. He honestly thought James was really nice.

"I was wondering if you wanted to sit by me on the coach?" James asked. The others set their attention off of them, having side conversations.

"Oh Um sure!" Isaac agreed. He honestly didn't mind. It'd be nice to sit with someone new.

"Okay... cool," James said awkwardly. Isaac chuckled.

"Cool." Isaac smiled. James didn't want this to get too awkward.

"Well uh... I better go. See you later!" James waved before walking off.

"Okay, can we have everyone's attention, please?" Mr. Ajayi yelled but no one seemed to hear so everyone kept talking.

"QUIET!!!" Mr. Farouk screamed which made the whole room pitch silent.

"Okay... thank you, Mr. Farouk..." Mr. Ajayi said looking down, and yes he was blushing. "Alright, are we ready for our Paris adventure!" Everyone cheered. Once the cheering died down Mr. Ajayi added, "Everyone split into groups of four they will be the people that you'll be sharing the hotel room with!"

"And we've been told to inform you! Boys and girls will not be sharing rooms!" Mr. Farouk reminded.

Nick and Charlie immediately looked at each other smiling knowing that won't be a problem.

"Oh dear! Oh no!" Darcy said sarcastically. Everyone laughed at Darcy's comment.


The gang was the last to leave the building as everyone else had already left. Darcy turned to Tara.

"Ugh! Just think about it! You and me spending five days with each other it's basically like a five-day sleepover! You're gonna be so annoyed with me after that" Darcy said holding Tara's hands.

"Awe... but I love you because of how annoying you are!" Tara blurted out. Darcy looks shocked because they never even said I love you to each other yet. Once Tara sees Darcy's expression she realized what she just said.

"Uh... I-I didn't mean it as in a I love you kind of way. That- that was just a casual one." Tara explained. "That's not me asking you to say it back!"

"Yeah... yeah!" Darcy replied. It confused Tara why she didn't say it back.

Meanwhile Isaac and Charlie were walking side by side, when Isaac decided to bring up something.

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