Part Two: The Choice

Start from the beginning

"Wow, okay...what was the exact day that you met my father?" Bolt asks.

"I believe it was the day the Akatsuki member Pein attacked our village. Your father would have been sixteen back then, I wish I could have been there for my son his entire life...but Obito took that chance away from your grandmother and I. Not that I hate him for it, I knew that my son would become the child of profecy that Lord Jiraiya spoke of." Minato says.

Bolt smiles, "Are you really one of the best ninja around, Grandpapa?!" He says excitedly.

"Well, I was the legendary yellow flash of the village hidden in the leaves." Minato says.

"This is so cool! I must be dreaming, somebody pinch me!" Bolt shouts.

All of a sudden someone or something pinched Bolt from behind. He yelped and turned around as fast as he could. What he saw, rather whom he saw...made him freeze in place. A red headed smiling lady was giggling softly and standing directly behind him.

"Well hello, Boruto!" The red headed woman greeted ecstatically.

"You-you-you're...that woman my father tells me about in his bedtime stories, you and Grandpapa." Bolt says, stuttering.

The woman smiled, "That's right Boruto...I'm your Father's mother." She said.

"Kushina... You scared him half to death." Minato says.

"Kushina? Death?" Bolt asks.

"Minato you know he's not fully dead, they've got him on that respirator thing." Kushina says.

"Well his soul is here...that's not entirely a good thing." Minato says.

"I'll say, Naruto would kill us if he knew we were talking to his son." Says a white haired man. Walking into the dining room that was connected to the small kitchen from the small conjoined living room.

"Ahh! Jiraiya Sensei! It's been awhile." Minato says.

Jiraiya smiles, "Long time no see, my crazy haired student!" He says.

Bolt goes pale, "Why am I surrounded by the dead?" He says his body swaying.

Kushina frowns, "Because we need to talk to you." She says guiding him to a chair.

"Are you sure this boy is Naruto's son? Wouldn't Naruto think this type of stuff is cool?" Shikaku Nara says coming into the kitchen from outside in the house's porchway. A dual blonde haired man walks in after him.

"Who are they?" Bolt asks.

"Shikaku and Inoichi, nice to meet you Boruto." Shikaku states holding out his hand.

Bolt gasps, "You mean Shikamaru and aunt Ino's father's?" He asks.

Shikaku smiles down at Bolt, "Yes...that's correct." Inoichi states.

"Wow! I can't believe I'm talking to the Hokage's advisors father and aunt Ino's Dad, you two are heroes of the leaf that died during the fourth shinobi work war!" Bolt shouted his face back to normal.

"Why is it that he gets excited about you two but goes all ghost at the thought of us?" Jiraiya says mainly to himself.

"Because I never hear much of you but Shikamaru and Ino are always speaking of their parents when I either spend the night with their children at their homes or when I am in trouble Shikamaru is first to find me and use his Shadow Possession Jutsu on me then remind his son how troublesome I am and that his father would find me most irritating!" Bolt says, his arms waving up and down.

"So...are Ino and Shikamaru a couple?" Shikaku asks Bolt.

"No way...Shikamaru married Temari! She's a pretty lady from the hidden Sand village! Aunt Ino married a root ANBU member now regular Jounin from team Kakashi named Sai! Shikamaru's son is named Shikadia and looks identical to him its like a mini version of Shikamaru like Shikamaru is a mirror image of you Mr. Shikaku! Aunt Ino's son has blonde hair but is identical to his father, he's ghost pale and annoying at time's: for example, he's the reason I passed out after our sparring lesson! He's really good at Taijutsu and Super Beast Scroll: Beast mimicry." Bolt stopped speaking.

"You sure are smarter than Naruto, I'll give you credit for that but you have his nonstop talking. I think you get that from your grandmother Kushina." Shikaku states.

"Oh shut up Shikaku! I do not over talk!" Kushina says loudly with an angry look and her fist in the air.

" just never stop once you start." Jiraiya says low in his chest while looking away.

"What was that, Jiraiya!?" Kushina says loudly.

"Calm down Kushina dear," Minato says. "We've got as little as six days in the land of the living to think up a plan. That's only a few months in the land of eternal slumber."

Kushina calms, "Alright... Let's get started." She says and sits.

"Hey...where's Neji and Hizashi?" Inoichi asks.

"Right behind you." Neji whispers aloud, making everyone jump. Hizashi laughs while putting his hand on Neji's shoulder.

"Good one my Son." Hizashi says, holding his stomach. Everyone glared at the two

Everyone sat at the large table, Minato started the meeting since he was the highest ranked member. Bolt sat next to him and across from Kushina. Jiraiya sat in the seat on his other side. "We have a huge problem! The land of the living is unstable...we've been told to deal with this by Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the man that was rumored to have created the Shinobi world of living. Kami help us, we've only been able to contact two living beings so far!" Minato said, speaking with fierce dignity and pride.

"Fourth Hokage, Minato... What can the dead do for the living when they can no longer hear our pleas to them." Inoichi states.

"We have to have Bolt be our eyes! It's the only way." Jiraiya says.

As much as he hated a child doing the work he felt he should be doing...Jiraiya knew that he had to allow it. A child doing a dangerous task was beyond any of them but they knew Bolt was one of only two people that they could rely on.

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