Spring Broken

Beginne am Anfang

Verosika: Anyway meet my new hellhound vortex unlike you he does his job well. Tata fuckstain

Blitz: uh I've wasted  so much time with a bag of holes like that

Loona: You know verosika mayday!?

Blitz: Huh oh yeah her we dated

Millie: was it before or after she became a pop star?

Moxxie: You dated a pop star!?

Raph: How did you date someone period?

Blitz: Look why are you all acting like it's such a shook

Loona: hello it's verosika mayday

Millie: it's you

Donnie: And you know you're a little on the weird side

Moxxie: i just is she blind? Suffering some form of brain damage?

Blitz:Ok look you are all making this into a way bigger to a way bigger deal than it needs to be. I don't pry into your stupid personal lives

Moxxie: You do that all the time sir
Raph: What are you talking it's like breathing for you
Loona: you totally do that
Leo: You've always done that
Millie:you kinda do that
Mikey: Sorry but you do
Donnie:When have you not

Millie: What was sex with her like?

Moxxie: Millie?! In front of our boys?!

All 4: Oh gosh gross!!!

Millie: What it's a pop star. You'd want to know what sex with Michael Crawford was like

Moxxie: Touché

Leo: was that conversation really necessary? You just had to say that in front of our faces huh?

Blitz: Alright look let's just drop it okay! Millie find a temporary spot for that truck everyone else let's go handle this shit

They all enter the building and head into the hallway through the elevator

Loona: do you think they saw me? Fuck I did my make up shitty today

Blitz: Aw you look perfect loonie. Like always

Loona: Shut up da- uh blitz

Mikey: He's right loo it doesn't matter how you did your make up all you have to believe is that you're beautiful

Loona: You stole that from a cartoon didn't you?

Mikey: N-no I didn't

Loona: Look that doesn't matter okay!

Loona pulls out a mirror until numbing into vortex. Blitz saw this and was angered

Blitz: hi big man where's your bitch bag of an employer

Vortex: She's in her office. There wasn't room on the second floor so they rented one here on this one. It's cheaper

Blitz: oh come on!

Vortex: heh sorry man

Raph: Aw man he's so cool

Leo: Yeah he is
Mikey: Totally
Donnie: Epic

Blitz: oh no you don't bitch

Moxxie: sir how about you let me go in and try to reason with her I don't really listen to what's pop genre music so her status to me is

Blitz was tuning him out the whole time not listening to a single word

Blitz: Moxxie shut the fuck up

Helluva boss x TMNTWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt