“I don’t want to leave you Y/n. Understand that, but I can’t tend to your injuries. I haven’t healed a human since I myself was human. So please hurry in,” he placed me down and I noticed we stopped in front of the infirmary.

“Here, take the katana,” I shoved it into his arms. As much as I hated where I got it from, it was so beautiful I didn’t want to let go of it.

“What, why?”

I clasped my hands together, “Please?” He rolled his eyes and finally said, “If it’ll make you hurry inside.”

I smiled and accepted his terms. He then placed a kiss on my head before he disappeared. I  understood his urgency, so I didn’t complain because I would rather be alone than have him die.

I walked in, basically limping. The lady that was there stood up in concern and rushed towards me. “Oh honey! Shimada! Get in here!”

Together, the lady and Shimada took me to the room and bandaged me up, it was pretty bad. While I rested, by their advice, they got a hold of my parents. I took a small nap and when I woke up, I was surrounded by my mother and father, both their eyes full of tears.

“Hi,” I gave them a small weary smile. They immediately rushed to me and held me in a tight embrace.

“We were so worried about you!” I could feel my mother’s tears dripping on me.

“I’m sorry,” I tried apologizing profusely but they kept ignoring me, saying it wasn’t my fault and such. It was my fault and I doubt the don’t already know that. Maybe they were just trying to comfort me after the worst situation of my life.

The nurse said I could go home now while handing me some ointment for my cuts and burns. With the help of both my parents, we walked home together. A lot of people were greeting me and saying how happy they were to see me again. It got to a point where I just wished I actually died. Once we reached my house, I walked to my room, closed the curtains and rested on my bed. It was turning dark soon and I was praying I didn’t fall asleep before Akaza came. Something about the dark atmosphere made me queasy.

To my surprise, he was already in the room with me. He had been waiting till I got home, hiding in the shadows. I basically ran to him. Even though a day hadn’t even passed yet, I still missed him like hell. He opened his arms wide, with the katana still in hand, and hugged me.

“How do you feel? Are you in any sort of pain?” He pressed his cheek against the top of my head. I inhaled his scent, which was now my favorite scent in the world.

“Not anymore,” a small giggle escaped my mouth.

He leaned down to kiss me, “I’m being serious.” Although his words were true, he couldn’t help but smile. I felt butterflies in my stomach at the sight. Even if he was a demon, he himself was crafted by the gods, not a single flaw in his being.

“I’m not in pain, but I think I’ll have scars,” I sighed. I found scars pretty cool but the one on my chest would be the end of me.

He noticed my discomfort and grabbed my arm softly, pulling it up towards his face. He kissed my wrist while staring into my eyes with admiration. Then he kissed my other wrist before leaving a trail up my arm until he reached my neck. My breathing became a little heavy as he licked and sucked on my skin.

I knew I should be pushing away, but the fact that he was leaving his marks on me turned me on. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He let out a small groan before putting his hands around my waist and picking me up. He so easily carried me over to my futon and laid me down.

“Even with your scars, you’ll always be the most beautiful girl in the world,” he was on top of me, his arms on either side of my body. He continued to kiss my body, but abruptly stopped when he saw the cuts on my chest.

It Started at the Temple {Akaza x Reader}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu