Chapter 1

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I lie in bed, twirling my silver ring on my index finger.

I can't seem to get out of bed, nor fall back asleep. My mind wanders with thoughts. Too many stressful thoughts, but stress is all I've ever known.

Cardan lies next to me, sound asleep, curly hair disheveled all over his face and legs spread out to the point where I'm surprised this idiot hasn't kicked me off the bed.

He's a nuisance, but he's my nuisance.

It's about time I get up. I head to the bathroom, yawning. As I stare at myself in the mirror my eyes widen as I notice my face has slightly seemed to change.

I look more gaunt than usual.

I don't know if it's just my imagination, I've been eating fine. Cardans the one to worry about, he won't stop with all that damn wine.

Whatever, it's just my imagination, I have more important factors to focus on.

My walnut eyes look at me in boredom, and my own disheveled deep brown wavy hair cascades around me.

The one thing that hasn't changed is that I haven't gotten any older. I've looked the exact same age for years.

The benefit of living here as a mortal is one thing, mortals will never age as long as they stay in Elfhame.

Then why does my face look so sallow?

How embarrassing. I have to show my face tonight. Cardan and I have some business to do.

I've been a bit bored lately. I must say, I've been more content these past years than I ever have in my life, because of the hellhole I grew up in. However, there's something about me that I've missed.

That ambition.

That drive I used to have.

Now that I've gotten what I've wanted . . I wonder what to do now.

For years, I've known nothing but being weak and powerless, which is what started my hunger for power, and that's what caused my ambition to outrule those who've tried to stomp on me all my life.

So I lived in fight mode, my mind a never ending chess game.

Ever since I've become Queen of Elfhame, I relished that power.

I finally had gotten what I deserved. It was beyond a dream come true.

But years later I still want to play those games, and live in fear oddly enough. I want to fight again, fight like I always was used to.

I was born to be a soldier, and I became one.

I was made to be Queen, but I was also made to fight like my life could end as if I was walking on a tightrope.

That's why I loved fighting so much.

And as much as I despise what Madoc had done to me . . I almost miss the fury, the fighting, the rage.

Maybe I'm not so different from Madoc after all.

I hear slow footsteps behind me, oh lord, that idiot is up.

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