Chapter 5: Do you really think do hwis better than me?

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(Just imagine that the training room is actually in the basement like the noodle shop and not in the same room as the kitchen)

Mun sat down on the edge of the boxing ring he didn't understand why he cared so much I mean he didn't care when he found out about do hwi before, but knowing hana went out of her way to spend time with him meant that he definitely meant something to her.

Mun couldn't take it anymore so he got up took off his jumper and walked towards the boxing bag he punched it once but he didn't feel anything so he punched it again and again until he felt the anger and jealousy slowly disappear. He's never felt like this before so he wanted to get rid of the feeling and this was the only way.

Mun punched the bag once more but this time with all his force making it fly off and hit the wall

he didn't realise it but hana had walked in watching him as he went to grab his water bottle

Hana knew how mun felt with the way he punched the boxing bag but she didn't know what to say or do knowing he found out about her visiting do hwi. Why did he care so much I mean he isn't actually in love with her right she thought 

She didn't ask if he was ok, she already knew how he felt and plus she wasn't the type of person to want to voluntarily talk about their feelings so instead she decided to change the mood

"Hey do you need help training, I don't think that boxing bag can help you anymore" she says taking off her jumper

Mun was taken a back seeing hana there he knew she witnessed what had just happened he still didn't know how to feel about the whole situation he was about to say no but he knew he couldn't, not to her.

"Im fine but your right that boxing bag can't help me anymore so I don't mind" mun says putting the lid back onto the water bottle after drinking some

Hana walks to the ring and gets in

"So are we gonna spar or fully train" she says looking at him from afar

Mun looks at her and laughs under his breath

"Well we can fully train but do you really think you can beat me, we both know whose stronger" he says grinning at her

Hana just rolls her eyes

"We'll see about that" she says

Mun doesn't waste another minute and jumps into the ring

Both of them now facing eachother

"So you went to go visit do hwi" mun says while putting his hands up infront of him jealousy masking his tone

Hana didn't expect mun to be jealous since he didn't care about do hwi before, She didn't know what to say so she responded with no emotion

"Why do you care" she says also putting her hands up

"You're right I shouldn't, it's just that I didn't know you guys were in contact again" mun replied his tone changing back to normal he was more curious now rather than jealous

"We'll i sent a message saying that we met again but I guess it didn't go through" hana says knowing that she never pressed the send button but she never knew why

"Righttt" mun says before throwing a punch, Putting his emotions to use

Hana dodged it making mun fall into the ropes

She started to chuckle before mun quickly got up and swung at her again catching her off guard, he didn't hit her hard but just enough making her fall to the ground

"You shouldn't be distracted when fighting the enemy they could strike at any moment" mun says proudly smiling knowing he got her back for laughing at him

Hana got up and wiped her hair out of her face

"I won't lie you got me good" she said

"But I'm gonna get you back"

Mun smiled again making her throw her fist at him but he moved out of the way

Mun quickly threw another punch, but hana was quick enough to dodge it

Hana decided to use the move mun taught her a while back, while she ducked his arm, she quickly grabbed his trouser making him turn to face her while he was mid punch

Hana then punched him square in the face making him dropped to the floor but She didn't stop there she got on top of him and continued to punch him getting him back for before

"Told you I'd be able to beat you" hana said smirking

Mun looked at her and smiled

"Who said we we're done" he said making hana smirk fall and his rise

Just as she was about to throw another punch mun grabbed her arm and used all his force to spin them around pinning her to the ground with him on top this time

For a moment there was silence

Suddenly the air around them started to feel thick

Hana suddenly felt it hard to breath she could feel her heart beat fasten before she could push mun off he grabbed her arms and pushed them back down near her head

Mun took this opportunity and lowered his head next to her ear

Hana could feel his warm breath on the side of her head, feeling his heart beat going as fast as hers made butterflies form in her stomach

"Do you really think do hwis better than me?" Mun says in a quite whisper

Hana felt her breach hitch and shivers go down her spine WHAT IS HE DOING TO HER she thought

Just as mun was about to carry on they heard motak coming down the stairs making the tension disappear

"Hey mun I just wanted to check on you, training this much isn't good for the body you know sometimes you should take a break" motak says

Hana didn't hesitate and quickly pushed mun off her making him fall back as she quickly got up

Mun got up too rubbing his back at how hard she pushed him

"Oh hana you're here too" motak says Making hana face him

"When did you get back, are you ok, why are you so red?"

Hana was still processing what had just happened she didn't even reply instead just went out of the ring and straight into the changing room

Motak just stared as her as she left

"Don't worry about her she just lost the fight" mun says to motak getting out of the ring

Motak just shook his head knowing how hana hates being defeated

"We'll you should come eat since you didn't eat breakfast and barely ate lunch, are you ok now" motak says as mun wipes his face with a towel

"Yeah no I'm fine now Actually I feel great" he says smiling widely knowing he made hana feel some type of way

"That's good now tell hana to hurry and both of you come up" motak says leaving the basement

"I'll eat in a sec by the way I'm gonna shower first" mun shouts to motak before grabbing his stuff

Mun shouted to hana to hurry and go eat before he left. he was gonna wait but he knew she had to process what had just happened he smiled still thinking about it, he still didn't know where the courage came from he was shocked himself but it felt good to know he made her feel some type of way


Here's a long chapter for you guys sorry it took so long for me to update but I hope you guys liked it :)


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