1. A True Miracle

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And so, he opened his eyes

He didn't know what happened at first, but soon enough, he realized it

'I died' he thought to himself before closing his eyes again. But that was cut short, as he quickly opened them again, this time wide open, before getting up in record speed.

"WAIT, I DIED!" he shouted, completely bewildered by the truth. He checked his body: his arms, his legs and his head, all of them seemed to be okay, and especially his forehead, where seconds ago he was sure a bullet had impacted, was completely fine. Not only that, but he was also wearing another set of clothes: a white shirt under a dark orange vest suit, a pair of dark green trousers and brown leather boots, alongside a long, dark green coat which had a sayagata pattern on its left side and brown gloves. Far from comforting him, the update of his situation did nothing but perplex him even more.

'I don't understand it. I was sure that bastard's bullet had hit me.' he thought, angered by the memories of that piece of shit. 'Did I pass out from the shock? Did someone carry me outside of the court?' He considered several theories before taking into account something that had slipped his mind since the moment he woke up:

"Where even am I?" He looked around but the only thing he could see was an endless amount of trees, a variety he didn't recognize, as a matter of fact.

'Am I in another country? But, why would anyone spend so much money to move him outside of Japan? I don't think anyone would care enough to do that' He frowned at the thought before deciding his next move.

"Well, it will be better if I get moving so I can find a way out of this place" He mumbled to himself, before starting to walk, all his body and senses completely wake and working to their maximum capacity.

He wondered through what he now believed was a forest until -after what he thought had only been half an hour- he stumbled upon a breathtaking sight: In the middle of the wild landscape, a blue lake stood alone, its waters reflecting the full moon and night sky full of shining stars that the man could now see, giving him an indication of the time that he previously had no access to, although his eyes were completely focused on the scenario in front of him

'So beautiful' he thought to himself, falling prey to the hypnotic view the place had before a sudden noise to his right startled him enough to get out of his trance. He quickly turned his head around, only to be left dumbfounded yet again by the view of an army of what he could only think of as monstrous monkey-looking creatures with white masks approaching him. He counted five of them, four wielding wooden rudimentary clubs and one (to the man's absolute surprise) a wooden crossbow. He didn't even have time to think a plan as suddenly, the sniper monkey creature raised his weapon, which prompted the man to start running towards the forest at speeds he previously didn't know he could reach.

'Turns out I made the right decision' he thought just after he heard the terrifying noise of an arrow sticking to a tree only one or two meters away from his position. The man continued to run for what he felt as hours (but in reality were just minutes) until he reached what looked like the end of the forest. He quickly dashed, still worried the creatures were still following him, before he stopped and found himself on a rocky cliff. He looked around, trying to find any hint of a nearby civilization, before a loud roar that sent shivers down his spine made him turn around.

There, he saw it: an absurdly huge specimen of those creatures -maybe their king or chief- with red tattoos all over his body and wielding a giant flaming (yes, not burning in flames, but rather with fire coming out of it) axe. Immediately, the man started sweating in fear, his mind racing with ideas in order to escape the behemoth, ideas that were immediately thrown away the moment the smaller creatures he thought he had lost starting coming out of the forest and began approaching him alongside their boss.

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