Healing A Shattered Heart

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A woman runs through the town, gripping onto her backpack as she goes. Only ten minutes earlier, her apartment had been broken into by a woman with pink hair and a tall man with dark brown hair. She had only laid eyes on them before running off with her backpack, probably being chased.

Her little town was used to this odd behavior of hers. She was always running one place or another, whether it be to the restaurant she worked at or just to get groceries before the store closed. 'It's just normal YN behavior,' they would say, 'it's no big deal.'

But this was not normal YN behavior. He running was far more urgent, far more forced, in a way. A couple people turned to look at her as she was going, their thoughts racing at what she was trying to do. 'Is she just that late for work?' They would think, or so she hoped.

YN quickly turned a corner, her shoes making a squeak sound on the slightly wet concrete. She internally prays that those two aren't following her... and if they are, that she could outrun them.

Pushing open the door to a Subway, the now sweaty woman standing there, a couple of the customers looking up at her as they eat their sandwiches. She runs her fingers through her hair, walking up to the front counter and ordering a sandwich and a bag of chips... Cheetos, in fact, and she pays with cash before sitting down and pulling her hood over her head.

The woman eats her sandwich, trying to blend in with the crowd that was eating there, still receiving a couple glances from people around.

Just then, the door throws open and the pink haired woman walks in. "Such a dirty establishment..." YN can hear her mumble as she walked up to the front and looked at the semi-greasy employee working the register.

"Have you seen a woman in a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt?" She asks them as YN watches silently from the booth she's sitting in.

"Uh... no." The employee says, "We're not required by company policy to say that." They say with a shrug.

YN let out a sigh of relief as she hears this information. Saved by the employee, it seems. She doesn't know what she was so worried about... until the brown haired man sits across from her, crossing his arms. She tries to act casual, looking up at him for a moment.

"And who are you?" YN asks, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"I think the better question is why you're running from us." He says, staring at her.

'Damn it.' She internally says to herself, looking up at the man, "I'm not running from anyone." She whispers, "I'm just... eating Subway."

"Yeah, yeah, sure... YN LN." He says, narrowing his eyes at her.

At this point, she knows she's been caught, and she let out a sigh. She pulls down her hood and stares at him, "What do you want from me?" She sputters, a frown on her face.

"We want you to join the Union, YN." He says, "We lost one of our members lately, and have been hunting you out because of your... past."

YN sighs, "I don't understand why you people keep coming after me." She says with a frown, "I don't have anything that's of use to-"

"I beg to differ." The pink haired woman says as she sits down next to the man with brown hair, "You have the negator ability Unwish, right?" She quickly interjects with, sitting her hands up on the table.

Healing A Shattered Heart (Nico Vorgeil x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now