8: He's SO confusing.

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I think he's going to throw me down the stairs.

Oh no. He really is, isn't he?

"You can throw me right now, save me the torture to be in your useless grip." I say angrily.

He laughs and continues to tighten his grip, hand now on my waist.

That's probably gonna bruise.

What is his problem? Who is he, by the way?

Oops. I guess I said that aloud.

He stops and then he lets me fall.

I yelp (squeal) and close my eyes waiting for the hard and cold floor, but I'm stopped by a hand, his hand gripping my shirt.

My glasses fall off my face in the process. That costed me quite a bit of money!

I try to push him away but he suddenly puts a hand around my now bruised waist, making me cry out of pain.

He is a sadist.

I'm pretty sure about that, seeing him laughing at my distress.

He's not gonna spare me.

I can pretty much read that just by looking into his feiry eyes.

He leans in.

Hot breath tickling my ear.

All he says is "Tomorrow."

And then he leaves, letting me yet again, fall onto the harsh marbled floor.

"Haha. . . What the fuck? Is this your signature move, huh fag? You fall everywhere you go! Let's see how many punches you can take before you fall again.."

The voice of Rob is suddenly very clear as he gets ready to throw a full power packed punch at me.

Closing my eyes , waiting for the imminent punch, I gear myself up.

But the punch never comes.

Someone has held Rob's fist and prevented him from hitting me.

Looking up, I see none other than my used-to-be-crush holding Rob's hand.


Rob starts to struggle but my great torturer whispers something in his ear.

Something which made Rob smirk at me.

Seething with anger, Rob is now just standing there and looking as if he has won a lottery ticket.

I know this smirk.

I'm gone. Dead.

Rob looks down at me and spits in my face.

" Tomorrow, you're going to regret even being born.''

I already do. I bite back my response, feeling overwhelmed.

I can't hold back now.

I can't. I am having a panic attack.

Shit. This can't happen.

*Liam's POV*

I wake up with my cheek pressed to something soft but cold.

Shifting around, I try to get up, only to be stopped by a heavy feeling on my chest.

I look down to see what's holding me back. I see none other than, Niall Horan sleeping on my chest, his legs tangled with mine and small, cute snores leaving his oh so delicious mouth.

I hear voices talking loudly and a cry of pain.

I try to shake Ni awake but all he does is shift around on my bare chest, trying to get more comfy.

I almost stay with him but there's a sudden thought in my mind. It's a completely terrifying thought.

Shit, Louis.
What if Louis is in pain?


What if somebody is getting kidnapped?

OK. Well the kidnapping thought was a bit overdrive.

But I'm worried.

I dash down the stairs only to see a heartbreaking site.

Louis' glasses lay shattered and he's laying on the floor curled up in a ball crying silently.


I'm such a shit friend.

I rush to his aid and gather him up in my arms and soothe him.

I know something has happened.

Something so bad to have scared him enough to trigger a panic attack. It's not happened since-

He whimpers when my hand accidentally brushes his ankle.

I look down and see that his ankle is swollen and has gone to 50 shades of purple and yellow.

Instantly furious and guilt overcoming me, I want to ask him to explain what happened but in all these years, I've learnt that it's better not to pry, to keep quiet and only listen when Lou's ready to talk. I want to apologize.

"Take me home, Li. Please." He says, in between gasps.

I want to protest.

But I don't want to upset him more.

Silently nodding, I help him up and take him (kinda carry) to the car.

I help him buckle up and then we drive away.

The asshole(s) who've done this, will not be spared, once I find out who has done this to my best friend.

I'm coming for you.


Hey again.

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QOTC: What do you think will happen "Tomorrow"?

Yours Sincerely,
LarryHaveBabies xx

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat