School Return

Depuis le début

In the playground, Rose arrived with such a broad smile that it seemed to embrace her. Her friends welcomed June warmly and even taught her some songs for skipping rope. She played the entire recess with them, forgetting the tough time she had had all morning.

When the recess bell rang, June wanted to go with her sister. In fact, she started following her, wishing to be in Rose's class and with her friends, who treated her well.

"June, you can't; my teacher will get angry, and you'll be late for your class," Rose said with a sympathetic expression. "We'll keep playing at home." She kissed June's cheek and went to class with her friends.

June had no choice but to return to her class, where all the looks she received were anything but friendly. Feeling smaller, she sat in her chair. Daisy arrived, smiling, chatting with other girls from the school, but when she sat next to June, silence and emptiness returned.

A teacher entered to begin the class. June, uncomfortable, shifted in her chair and cast periodic glances at Daisy. Her mind could only replay the conversation with Daisy, and she found no answers, only more confusion.

"Daisy, why did you say all those things to me?" she wanted to know, more like needed to know, because she felt lost.

Daisy rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Because it's the truth."

"It's not, I don't understand," June blinked, bewildered. "Mom Scarlett told me I'm her daughter. Why would she lie to me? And why would you know more than my mom, huh?" June countered.

Even Daisy was momentarily at a loss for words. Her gaze shifted to the rest of the class and then back to June. "Because you and your parents are lying to her, but you know what will happen when she finds out?" Daisy moved closer to June. "You'll go to jail," she finished with a whisper. "I don't like you, all of this makes you bad and ugly, you disgust me. So don't talk to me again; hopefully, you'll leave soon, and I won't have to see you in the rest of the class."

"You're being mean, Daisy. You're the one who is bad, and I won't be your friend either," June looked ahead. "I'm June, June Johansson," she repeated in a murmur.

She felt the burning of tears threatening to overflow, a mix of sadness and confusion squeezing her chest. The looks she received, Daisy's words, she didn't feel right there. She started to lack air, and pale, she got up from her chair and approached the teacher.

"I want to go to my mom," she requested with difficulty.

"Can't you wait until the class is over?" the teacher suggested, stopping his class.

June shook her head. "I need my mom," she asked again, and as the teacher took time to respond and a tear escaped, she ran out of the class, hearing the teacher calling after her.

June didn't look back; she ran down the hallway to the entrance door, finding it closed. That didn't deter her, and she continued trying to open it; tears covered her cheeks. In the end, a hand on her shoulder startled her; the teacher approached with initial annoyance, but upon realizing June's state, his expression transformed into genuine concern.

"It's okay, relax, breathe. Let's call your mother," he extended his hand for June to grab and led her to the principal's office to wait. Once Scarlett was called, the teacher could return to the class.

June sat in a chair that seemed immense for her small size, so she rocked her legs and body, trying to calm down. The principal cast occasional glances her way while working. Time passed so slowly that June started crying again, and as soon as she heard her mother's voice announcing her arrival, she threw herself into her arms.

Scarlett surrounded June with her arms, trying to console her. June's body trembled inconsolably, and Scarlett, gently, rubbed her back. Without pressing, she asked with tenderness, "What's wrong, sweetheart?" and covered her face in Scarlett's neck while continuing to cry.

The Missing Piece // Scarlett Johansson x DaughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant