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Update of the week 🥰, just to let you guys know I have exams for the 2 weeks so I won't be doing any writing for this story during them, so if there's no update next week don't worry I will get back to it.  Anyways enjoy the update.

Lucy's POV:

I led Charlie out of the chill room, and led her into a nearby room, that was being used as a recovery room.  I gently nudged her inside and closed the door behind me, and then turned around to see Charlie had hopped up onto one of the beds.  I cautiously sat down beside her, leaving a bit of space between us just in case.  But as soon as I sat down, Charlie quickly moved close to me, leaning into me and wrapping her arms around my chest.  "What's going on, hmm?", I asked Charlie gently.  She shrugged her shoulders and then quietly said "it's stupid",  I shook my head and replied "I doubt it's stupid".  She looked up at me and said "it is though", looking down again.  I lifted her chin up, making her look at me "well you tell me what it is and I'll decide if it's stupid or not", Charlie thought about my reply and then began speaking "you know how you and Kei spend a lot of time with Ellie, it kinda makes me feel like you've forgotten about me, and I know that Ellie's small and needs extra help, it's just sometimes it feels like with the whole custody thing, that maybe it would be easier to just let them win and for you and Kei to just have Ellie".  I listened as Charlie spoke, and as she revealed her thoughts on everything I felt my heart ache, to think that my daughter feels almost ignored by me and Kei, it breaks my heart.  I squeeze her tight and then speak up, "you're right that Ellie needs a little more help, but that doesn't mean that me and Kei have forgotten about you, and as for the custody, it's definitely not the easier option nor is it an option to let you go, it'll never be me, Kei, and Ellie, it will always be me, Kei, you and Ellie.  Me and Kei are doing everything we can to make sure you stay right here where you belong with us, ok ?",  Charlie nodded her head and leaned as close as she could into me.  I shuffled us around so that she was sat in my lap. "Can we go to bed now ?", Charlie asked me. "Let's go", I replied, picking her up and carrying her out of the room, and in the direction of the chill room. I carefully opened the door, with Charlie still in my arms and walked over to where Keira was sat with Ellie asleep in her arms, chatting quietly to Leah and Georgia. Once I reached the 4 of them, I quietly said "Me and Charlie are going up to the room", Keira looked up at me and then answered "I'll be up in a few minutes, unless you want me to come with you now". I shook my head and replied "no it's ok, come up when you're ready", "ok", Keira smiled back. "Goodnight Kei", Charlie mumbled, Keira smiled and replied "night Charlie, I love you", "I love you too", Charlie mumbled back. I waved goodnight to the 4 of them and made my way upstairs to our room. Once inside our room, I gently let Charlie down onto the bed and then went to grab her grab her pjs. She took the pjs from me and then went into the bathroom to get changed, while I quickly changed and got ready for bed. When Charlie came out of the bathroom, I patted the space next to me, and she hopped up onto the bed, and got under the covers with me. "Mum ?", Charlie asked me as I flicked through the tv, looking for something to watch, "yeah ?", I replied, glancing down at her, waiting for her to continue. "When we had the visit, and you had to go help Kei with Ellie, Martin said some things that I didn't like", Charlie quietly spoke, not looking at me, until she had stopped talking. I pulled her closer to me, and said "you don't have to tell me unless you want to, but if you don't want to say what he said, I can definitely say that whatever it was, it wasn't true", I said. Charlie looked up at me and took a deep breath and replied "he said that it must be annoying for me, to have Ellie, because you and Kei spend more time with her, but I know it's not because you prefer Ellie over me, but the way he said it, it was like he was saying that Kei isn't my mum, do you think Kei feels like she's not my mum because I don't call her mum  or because we're not blood related?".  I sat up properly leaning against the headboard and looking straight at Charlie and said "what he said wasn't right, yes me and Kei have to spend a bit more time with Ellie, but we definitely don't prefer her over you, we love you both equally, as for your question, I know that Kei doesn't care that you don't call her mum, she loves you just the same as she would if you called her mum, and me and Kei don't care about blood, you're still our daughter, me and Kei's, ok ?", "ok, thanks mum", Charlie replied with a small smile, cuddling into my chest and then grabbing the tv remote, and switching on Friends. I leant down and placed a kiss to the top of her head and then asked "anymore questions, or anything else you wanna talk to me about ?",  Charlie thought for a minute or so and then piped up "actually, yeah I do", "go on then", I chuckled.  "Are you gonna re-sign for city or go somewhere else ?", I looked down at her and answered truthfully "I don't know Charlie, I've had some offers from other clubs, but everything is still up in the air, I have to really think about everything, because if I was to go somewhere else, I have to take into account, it's not just me, it's me, you Keira and Ellie, so for now, my answer is I don't know",  Charlie nodded her head and then turned back to the tv and said "I wouldn't mind moving again", I leant down and placed another kiss to the top of her head and said "that's good to know". 

We stayed quiet throughout the rest of the episode, with the odd comment about the show here and there.  As we pressed play on the next episode, Keira walked in with Ellie asleep against her chest, I quickly turned down the volume of the tv.  We both looked over as Keira came in.  "Swapping beds are we ?", Keira chuckled quietly while carefully handing me Ellie so she could get changed.  Charlie giggled and then replied "mum said she'd rather share the bed with me than you", as Keira walked into the bathroom, but stopped upon hearing Charlie's reply and turned around with a look of shock on her face, looking over at me while raising an eyebrow.  "I never said that", I replied immediately, trying to stay quiet with Ellie in my arms.  "You better not have Lucia, or else", Keira replied back sternly before heading into the bathroom, and shutting the door behind her.  Immediately I turned to look at Charlie, and said "if I didn't have Ellie in my arms right now, I would attack you", Charlie just giggled and lay back down against me, looking back at the tv. 

Keira soon came back out and took Ellie from me, so I could scoot over in the bed, nudging Charlie over in the process to let Keira sit next to me.  I took Ellie from Keira, and Charlie then clambered over me to settle herself on Keira's chest.  I watched as Keira ran her fingers through Charlie's hair.  I gave Charlie a gentle nudge, making her look up at me and then I said "do you wanna talk to Kei about earlier ?",  Charlie slowly nodded and then turned so she was looking up at Keira.  "Kei, do you care that I don't call you mum ?", Keira wrapped her arms around Charlie's waist and pulled her closer and said "I still love you so much, even though you call me Kei, whatever makes you comfortable to call me, is perfectly fine with me",  Charlie cuddled closer to Keira, nodding her head.  Keira caught me looking at her and leaned her head on my shoulder, she then turned her head so I could capture her lips in a sweet gentle kiss, before we both pulled away and looked down at both our daughters, one of whom was fast asleep against my chest and the other who was giggling watching the tv.  It was a sweet family moment, one that I would always love.

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