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Thought I would treat you guys to a double update tonight ☺️
Ok so I tried a new POV this time, hope you guys like it.  As always let me know what you guys think.

Georgia's POV:

Today was the first game of the Euros.  We were playing Austria in Old Trafford Stadium, which of course the United girls were chuffed about.   I woke up this morning at around 8am.  I got changed into our tracksuit and headed out of my room to go to breakfast.  On my way downstairs I met the Bronze-Walsh crew, also on their way to breakfast.  Lucy was walking with Ellie who was of course walking really slowly and Charlie was walking beside Keira.  I caught up with Lucy and Ellie and beamed a "good morning", to them both.  Ellie looked up at me smiling and waved her hand up at me excitedly. "Looking forward to the game Luce ?", I asked Lucy as we walked down the hallway to breakfast. "Yeah, it'll be good to get the Euros started, and get into the groove of a tournament again", Lucy replied, holding Ellie's hand tightly to make sure she didn't trip.  Once we reached the dining room, I noticed most of the team were already sat down and eating breakfast.  I went over to grab my beans on toast and then sat down at a table with the Bronze-Walsh crew and Lessi, Tooney, and Leah.

As I finished my beans on toast, I looked around and saw that most people were getting up and heading out.   I got up alongside Keira, who didn't look that great still.  She had pulled out early from training yesterday because she couldn't do anymore of it.  I looked over to see Lucy holding Ellie, who was squirming in her arms trying to reach out to Keira.  I wrapped an arm around Keira's shoulder and we walked out to the bus.  "How ya feeling Kei ?", I asked her, once we had sat down on the bus.  "Not great, and what makes it worse, is that I can't even look after Ellie or Charlie, because I don't want them getting sick either", Keira replied back, sighing.  We both looked up as Lucy walked past us with Elleã in her arms, wrapped up in her Man City blanket and her dummy in her mouth.  Lucy had her positioned in her arms so she couldn't see Keira, so she wouldn't start crying again and attempt to reach out to her.

Once we pulled up to Old Trafford, after taking a short plane ride from London to Manchester we hopped on a bus again and you could see the crowds already packing the streets with England colours, and everyone sporting different players jerseys. Once I spotted a load of Bronze and Bright jerseys it got me thinking, what jerseys were Charlie and Ellie going to wear tonight. I poked my head up above my seat in hopes of spotting Charlie, but unfortunately I couldn't see her. I ducked back down and turned to Keira beside me and asked "do you know what jerseys Charlie and Ellie are wearing to the game ?", Keira looked over at me and lightly chuckled before replying "you might be surprised to know that I actually don't know who's jerseys they're going to wear at the game". I sighed, discovering that Keira didn't know. "Do you know who she's sitting with ?", I asked Keira again. She rolled her eyes at my question and replied "she's with Jill, whom she promised this morning she would sit with, and if I were you I wouldn't bother asking her who's jersey she's going to wear, because she won't tell you". I huffed, knowing Keira was right.

Once we began getting off the bus, you could hear fans cheering, and shouting for players to come and sign things. Before I got off the bus, I noticed Lucy trying to calm Ellie, who wasn't enjoying the loud cheering and shouting, and also calm Charlie's worried face. I moved out of the way to let Chloe pass and moved over to Lucy. "Hey Charlie, do you wanna walk with me ?", I asked Charlie smiling gently at her, from her spot stood close to Lucy. She looked over at me and then looked up at Lucy. Lucy nodded her head and then said "G will make sure nothing will happen, I promise", I nodded my head in agreement to Lucy's statement. Charlie slowly stepped away from Lucy and walked over to me and took my hand. I slowly led her towards the steps down. Just before I stepped down the last step, I looked over at Charlie and gave her hand a squeeze, before we both stepped out and off the bus and into the cheers and shouts of fans.

Once we were both safe inside the stadium, I let Charlie take a breath, as we both waited for Lucy to catch up with us, which she soon did, with poor Elleã who was in tears and clinging onto Lucy. I guided the 4 of us through to the changing rooms, where once I opened the door, Charlie let go of my hand and raced over to Keira, who had one of those oxygen things over her face helping her to breathe. I quickly hurried over to her and Charlie, with Lucy hot on my heels. "Don't worry guys, I'm ok, just need to catch my breath a bit", Keira explained to the 4 of us, as we surrounded her and blocked her away from everyone else. I didn't really believe her and neither did Lucy, until we watched as she slowly took away the oxygen mask, and smiled gently up at us from her seat on the bench. Charlie rested herself on Keira's knee, while Lucy comforted Ellie in her arms. 

Soon enough it was time to head out for a quick pitch check.  I went out with Keira beside me and Charlie holding her hand.   Lucy followed closely behind us with Ellie in her arms.  We all walked around the pitch and the team photographer took photos of us all, for the Instagram.  Lucy, Keira, Charlie and Ellie even got a cute family photo. 

As the stadium started to fill up we headed back inside to get changed into our warm up kit.  As I was tying up my boots, I saw two little feet run over to me  and looked up to see Ellie grinning over at me holding her Man City blanket in her hand.  I smiled over at her and then said "you look excited Ellie ?", she just grinned at me before running back over to Lucy.  Once I was dressed and ready to go, I looked over to see if Keira and Leah were ready to go to, which they were.  I knew that Keira would want to say goodbye to Charlie and Ellie, so I waited for her, before the 3 of us headed out onto the pitch and we all listened to fans shouting and cheering our names.  When we were starting to warm up, I saw Lucy running over to us, having dropped Ellie and Charlie off to her and Keira's families.  "They're both good, Ellie spotted the strawberries Mum had cut up for her, so that definitely helped", Lucy explained to us chuckling at the interaction.  We all smiled and then got into the zone of the game.  Once warm up was finished, we all headed into the changing room again, along with Keira back on the oxygen mask.  As Sarina called out the starting lineup I looked over to my best friend beside me, checking to make sure she was still ok.  As those of us who were in the starting lineup, Sarina walked past us and asked Keira who was behind me, whether she still felt she could play, which Keira weakly nodded her head and smiled saying she would be fine.  I glanced over at Lucy who was stood behind Keira, and we both silently agreed to keep a close eye on Keira during the game.  I turned back around as I just saw Keira turn around to do her pregame ritual with Lucy, and then I heard the referee shout that it was time to walk onto the pitch, and we all started to walk out onto the pitch, as the fireworks set off and Leah led us out onto the pitch.

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