Obviously Rag'ell didn't suspect her, because if he had known anything, he wouldn't have let Rie'na continue to look after him, would he?

"The Supreme has given me permission to speak with you. I'm supposed to make sure you're comfortable here. So if you need anything, just ask."

"I guess that's not how you take care of all your prisoners," he grinned.

"You're not our prisoner," she argued quietly. "You're one of us."

"No, I'm not! And I never will be. I'm human," he snapped, sharper than he had intended, and then apologised, "Sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that."

Rie'na had always been kind to him and he shouldn't have lashed out at her.

"Don't apologise, it must be very difficult for you."

A long silence followed, during which the Earthling felt that the girl wanted to ask him something, but in the end she didn't dare.

"What does 'tai'li' mean in Ardanese?" Gabriel finally spoke. It was a term that Rag'ell often used to address him these days. He suspected it was some kind of endearment, but he didn't know the exact meaning. And he didn't want to ask the Supreme.

A smile played at the corners of Rie'na's mouth as she looked up at him, "Where did you hear that? Did someone call you that?"

He didn't want to tell her the truth, so he just vaguely tossed his head, "I heard it somewhere."

"Tai'li is a term we use to refer to someone who is very dear to us, for whom we have deep feelings. It's hard to translate, but the closest thing is your expression of 'my beloved'. It's not commonly used. I can't imagine where you'd hear it around here."

"Do you speak English?" He wondered.

"I've learned a little of your language."

"You have communicators that translate everything. I thought you didn't learn languages."

"When you learn the mother tongue of a nation or a race, you learn a lot about their culture, their way of thinking. I thought it would help me to know you better."

Her words surprised him. He looked at her in astonishment, "Why would you do that? Why would you be interested in me?"

"You're important to Rag... er... our Supreme, so I want to learn as much as I can about you."

Gabriel nodded, though he still didn't quite understand. Perhaps Rag'ell had ordered her to do so?

"You heard that expression from him, didn't you?" She asked matter-of-factly.

He didn't reply, but Rie'na didn't wait for an answer.

"Our leader has changed since he met you," she continued, her gaze sweeping over him. "And I think you are not indifferent to him either."

At that moment, the door opened again and a silver-haired Ardanian stepped inside. He smiled at Gabriel, and the Earthling couldn't help but smile back, happy to see him, happy to be with him again.

"Leave us, Rie'na," the Supreme said to the young Ardanian, who bowed to him and quietly left the room without another word.

He pulled the dark-haired man into his arms and gave him a long welcome kiss. Even the few hours of separation suddenly seemed like an eternity.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Rag'ell whispered, still holding his chosen one in his arms. "But we finally received a message from Ardana. We found out who your father is."

Gabriel drew back a little and looked into those purple eyes that stared at him with an unspoken question. Despite his decision not wanting to know anything about his biological father, he was curious.

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