𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"So you're in a relationship then?" Kageyama questioned

"No, I've told you this, Kageyama!! You're not listening, dummy. We're dating not in a relationship. "

Kageyama couldn't feel more stupid
Because it wasn't making much sense to him "SAME FUCKING THING DATING RELATIONSHIP WHATS THE DIFFERENCE!!"kageyama shouted

Hinata rolled his eyes at kageyama
"Okay just listen ill give you a storytime"

"I can't be assed to listen to your long ass storytime"

"I'll call it a flashback then"


"Okay so imagine we're in the kitchen right after I refused to wake up for about 10 minutes"


"Shoyo,no don't go back to sleep" kei said sternly as he gently lifted shoyos head off the table

Shoyo mumbled something along the lines of "I'm not I'm awake"

"Cmon come put your uniform on"tsukishima said as he finished buttoning up his own white t shirt

"I don't feel like going to school double science just isn't doing it for me"shoyo moaned as kei threw his uniform onto his head "not nice" he mumbled

"We have that big science exam soon it's split into three parts bio,chem and physics so you need that double lesson" tsukishima stated

Hinata dragged the clothes off his head and lifted himself up "I'm going to fail that exam."

Tsukishima couldn't help but roll his eyes a little

"How about this,if you pass all three sciences I'll ask you to be my boyfriend" tsukishima wagered

Hinata no longer had a look of tiredness in his eyes and looked more intrigued than anything

"Okay,but just know I'll pass at all costs"

"You can't cheat that's apart of the deal"

"Awh man!!" Hinata said in a jokey manner

Hinata thought about tsukishimas wager for a second the science tests were In about 3 weeks what were they supposed to do until then



"You know how there's 3 weeks until the exams right,thats long time"

"Oh yeah? So what do you want to do about that shoyo? " kei said as he checked his school bag

"I want to date!! Like I want to go on dates with you!,I want to know everything about you from the silly stuff to the important stuff. " hinata now sounded more serious

"Date me then."

Hinata didn't expect such an outright response, but he was happy with it, so he smiled

"But hopefully you know I want to see your bedroom," kei mentioned as hinata seemed to be very overprotective over his bedroom as even kageyama and kenma said he refused to let them in for some unknown reason

"You guys act like I'm hiding something in there. It's just always messy. That's all it, not like I've got a secret lab where I mass produce carbon monoxide, "hinata joked

"Do you even know what carbon monoxide is?" kei questioned

"Carbon monoxide is a poisonous, flammable gas that is colourless, odourless, tasteless, and slightly less dense than air, meaning you could be breathing it in right now and you wouldn't even know it. It has one carbon atom and one oxygen atom connected by a triple bond!!" Hinata seemed very excited about this information

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