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For those who find their roots in the worst torments.


The putrid body hanging from the chains inside the room accompanied the loneliness of our confinement. Some of the blood that was left in his body dripped to the floor, causing a constant sound for hours that I could hardly hear.

The smell in the room became more and more concentrated due to there were no windows where even a minimum amount of fresh air could enter.

Furthermore, the red light hadn't gone out in a while.

The shackles on my hands and feet split the skin with every tug I gave them. At first in my desperation, I tried to pull them to free myself, as if I could break some metal shackles, I think ironically. Now, I tried to move as little as possible to not continue injuring my inflamed skin and continue rubbing against the scabs of dried blood.

I no longer remembered how long I had been in this place. Hour, days, weeks maybe. Actually, what did it matter? No one was waiting for me outside if I managed to escape from my captor. Furthermore, my absence would ease the lives of more than one person.

I was an obstacle in the path that had been brutally pushed away. Forgotten, handcuffed... left aside as I had constantly been.

Even though I had always known it, when one finally accepts the truth, it hurts like a thousand blades in the soul. For many years I had lied to myself to be able to endure a reality that I did not want to face.

It's funny that the things one longs for the most are the ones that hurt you the most. I had learned the hard way, with agony and with a broken heart, that the desires of the heart can be very treacherous feelings.

It's too treacherous.

At least, deep down in my soul, I couldn't regret anything. I wouldn't change for a second, even if I had to suffer for all eternity, being able to be in the arms of a loved one.

Love hurts, but I'd rather it hurt forever than never have felt it.

Of that, I could be sure.

On the other hand, I would leave many things behind me, many loose ends that may never be seen to be fixed.

Suddenly, I hear strident screams, as if people were shouting right behind the closed door.

From one moment to the next, I see my captor enter the room. His elegant suit can't hide the blood that stains the fine fabric. He sees me and smiles satisfied with my figure, his eyes shine at the work of art he has made of me, and his body tenses at the thoughts in his head.

He takes a deep breath and releases it in a complacent sigh as if the putrid stench of the place were a field of roses in spring. Surely, the pestilence enters through his nose and feeds his soul with the scent of death.

His eyes open, ones that were previously dark brown are now yellow like a leopard's eyes. Terrifying like any hunter about to eat up his prey. The smile on his face reveals his pointed fangs stained with blood, ready for his next meal.

"Finally, after all these years. What was promised to me..."

His deep voice echoes off the walls, chilling my blood to the bone. It is inevitable for me not to start shaking like a leaf. The promise of the end of my days marked in blood within each letter spoken by his lips.

I only hoped that my death would be quick, passive and that with it it would bring the peace I had always longed for.

Heartbroken, but finally free...

The Agony of the Sun (The Sun's cycles I) [Translation in progress]Where stories live. Discover now