-Chapter 008-

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''They're gone.'' Mike says, walking back over to us.

''What?'' Lucas tilted his head in confusion, as he rubs a towel on El's back.

''Nancy and Jonathan. His car's gone.'' Mike replies.

''They're probably just sucking face somewhere.'' Dustin jokes.

''Gross.'' Lucas winces in disgust.

''What is wrong with you?'' I gag.

''No!'' Mike disagrees. ''No way!''

''Did they go with the chief?'' Dustin asks.

''No.'' Eleven says.

''What?'' Mike asks. ''Did you see them? Do you know where they went?''

''Yes.'' Eleven clarifies.

''Where? Where did they go?'' Mike asks.

''Demogorgon.'' Eleven replies with a wistful expression.

Eleven was hugging her knees anxiously, as the boys paced.

''Guys, guys! This is crazy.'' Mike exclaims, as he stops pacing. ''We can't just wait around.''

''Mike. In case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us.'' Lucas reminded him.

''Yeah.'' Dustin agrees. ''And we don't even know where your sister is.''

''El can find them.'' Mike says.

''No!'' I refuse. ''She's too drained and she doesn't exist just for you to use her.''

''Mike, look at her!'' Dustin replies, referring to Eleven's weak condition. ''I still think we should just stick to the chief's plan.''

''Exactly.'' Lucas agrees. ''We stay here, and keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing, remember?''

''Besides she's okay, she's with Jonathan.'' Lucas reminded him.

''Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now.'' Dustin said before walking off.

''Where are you going?'' Mike called after him. ''You just said to stick to the plan!''

''I am, I'm just going to get some chocolate pudding!'' Dustin replies to his question. ''I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phillis hoards that shit!''

Dustin and Lucas come back, with their hands full of cans.

Dustin hands El a can, ''This will charge your battery right up, I'm telling you.''

''This is the best shit you'll ever taste, I promise.'' I open the can up for her.

Mike races over panting, with a panicked expression. ''Guys!''

''Guys! They found us.'' Mike replies.

I take El's hand in mine and all five of us start legging it down the stairs.

''How did they find us?'' Lucas asks in surprise.

''I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym.'' Mike replies whilst panting.

''Lando.'' Dustin mutters under his breath.

We immediately get cornered. Bad men behind us, and in front of us. We were trapped!

Eleven puts her arm back, and the bad men freeze.

Blood slowly starts to pour from their eyes.

They fall limp to the floor.

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