“I think so too.”

“Greetings to the future king.”

After Macrotov, the other ministers also bowed to Watson. Many people were surprised when they saw the golden crown on Watson’s head and the Starlight Robe he was wearing. They felt that Watson was born with the bearing of a king. If Watson had not been crowned, it would not have been appropriate for them to kneel. Otherwise, they would have knelt and worshiped him.

They had chosen Watson in the war between King Landhar III and him. They cheered in their choice when they knew Watson had won while simultaneously fantasizing about the glorious future of their lives.

“Ministers, please rise. For the time being, I can’t be the king.”

When Watson raised his hand, the ministers in front of him rose one by one. Macrotov said, perplexed, “Young Master Watson, what do you mean? Is there anyone else in the Holy Dragon Kingdom who is qualified to be king?”

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“Watson, it seems like you are aware of the situation,” the second prince said. He raised his neck toward the sky as if to say that he was qualified.

No one paid any attention to the second prince. They just fixed their eyes on Watson.

“Everyone, I am not yet capable of ascending to the throne yet. On the one hand, I have not been officially bestowed with the title of King. On the other hand, I aspire to be king of both the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the Winter Nation.”

Watson’s tone was calm, but his words were shocking.

He was the monarch of the three kingdoms, not a single kingdom. How tyrannical was that? Watson did not even consult the Winter Nation or the Elven Kingdom. It was as though he was assured that none in the two kingdoms would dare to oppose him.

“Your Majesty has extraordinary vision and insight. I admire you.” Macrotov’s beard trembled a few times, his face full of admiration. The ministers behind him were the same.

In the crowd, only the second prince’s countenance changed. Someone immediately gagged his mouth as he was about to utter something. The first prince was the one who did that. “Do not say anything else. Father has already been defeated. He is no match for Watson, and we have little hopes of getting to the crown. We should just be regular folks in the capital. I hope Watson does not attack us for Kiana’s sake.”

Then, several teleportation arrays appeared in the sky.

Several noblemen walked out of the teleportation arrays. Some of them wore happy faces, while others looked sad. With the exception of the Saint Laurent family, those noblemen were governed by the three archduke families. All of the members of the two families were imprisoned. Augustus, the leader, embraced his shoulders proudly and said, “Watson, I did not subjugate the Campbell and other two families because I gave into you. It is merely that you resurrected me; therefore, I reciprocate the favor.”

“That is Edward’s home?” The Saint Laurent family head glanced around after she appeared. Soon, she found Edward in the crowd. After their eyes met, their bodies trembled with excitement.

“This is the border. Doesn’t it look special?”

Many Saint Laurent family members glanced down. They grumbled when they saw the massive pits in the earth. They were affected by the family head’s remarks and elected to support Watson. According to the family head’s speculation, they would be rewarded handsomely if they followed Watson. However, given the devastation, Watson was probably powerless to intervene.

“Young Master Watson, is the battle over?”

“We’re here to help you!

Then, groups of people appeared from all directions of Mount Creation and spoke to Watson. Some of those people were from the City of Steel, and Watson recognized them, such as Clyde and the others. There were also men, women, and children he did not recognize. Their eyes were all aglow with combat zeal.

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