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Chapter 271: The Adventurers Association
“Am I dreaming?”

Clyde sat up abruptly and rubbed his eyes. He was entirely oblivious to his injuries. He grimaced in pain due to the movement, but the ache in his body was not as severe as the shock in his heart.

When he first encountered Watson, he had only felt that that youth was mysterious. He had been unaware of the youth’s strength. He had even made a point of observing him. There were no changes in the youth’s combat aura. It was apparent that he had not trained. However, the youth could kill a monster that even he could not handle.

Was it not annoying to employ them as bodyguards when they were that powerful? Who was protecting whom?

It was not only Clyde, but Arthur and the others also struggled to get to their feet. Their faces were filled with surprise as they looked at the dark liquid that appeared on the ground after the evil eye monster exploded. It was particularly true for Arthur. Apart from shock, his eyes glowed with anxiety. He had not anticipated Watson, who he wanted to take hostage, to be so powerful.

Fortunately, the captain intervened just in time. If he was truly determined to forsake Watson, well, Arthur shivered subconsciously as he glanced at the liquid on the ground. He had the distinct impression that his fate would be no better than that of the evil eye monster in front of him.

“Nightingale, clean up the scene. The body fluid of that evil eye monster is too smelly.”

Watson clapped his hands casually after he crushed the evil-eyed monster with one foot. He turned around and moved in front of Clyde and the others, waving his hand at Nightingale. He helped them up and asked with concern.

“Are you okay?”

“Young Master Watson, who are you?”

Clyde felt a warm flow from Watson’s hands into his body once he stood up. It was the combat aura, which flowed like a river, healing his wounds and aiding in his recovery, that caused him to address Watson with the honorific title instinctively.

He was aware that the teenager in front of him was an elite stronger than him. He must be a silver-tier warrior, at least, and possibly even gold-tier. So young and yet so powerful meant that he was not an ordinary person.

“Please allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Watson, and I’m from the border. I’m here to enroll at the Royal Academy.”

“The Royal Academy?”

Clyde’s face lit up as he heard that. The Royal Academy was the finest institution in the kingdom. It attracted only geniuses under the age of eighteen and served as a focal point for the kingdom’s greatest talents. Many individuals wished to be a part of it. Given that the child in front of him was a freshman at the Royal Academy, his strength was unsurprising.

However, the boundary was the kingdom’s most isolated location. It had been a long time since a genius was admitted to the Royal Academy. Not even the City of Steel had such a talent, let alone somewhere from the border. Furthermore, based on his attire and manner, Watson appeared to be the descendant of great nobility, perhaps the border count.

He asked, “Are you related to the border count, Young Master Watson?”

“There’s no special relationship. We just live together,” Watson replied casually.

His inadvertent words sent a tremendous tsunami through Clyde’s heart.

He must have meant that they were very close.

Who else could live with the border count? Other than the maids and servants in residence, Watson could only be a relative of Sylvan. Based on his age, Watson was very likely to be Sylvan’s son.

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