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Chapter 156: The Ceremony Of Apprenticeship

“Lord Astrologer, that person killed Audrey and caused the death of so many of our people. We can’t let him off so easily!” Ron said nervously.

He had turned against Watson. What would Watson do to him if the astrologer let Watson go?! How could he have a good ending?

Watson had to die that day.

Following close behind him were scores of members from the Mage Guild and the North Wind mercenary group, all of whom were enraged.

Martin clenched his fists. “Lord Astrologer, that person is already so cruel at such a young age. Even if you let him go, he might not let us go in the future! You are raising a tiger to bring trouble. In my opinion, we should kill him and destroy Blackmoon Castle to console President Audrey’s soul in heaven.”

“That’s right, Lord Astrologer. We will fight to the death with Blackmoon Castle. We will never back down.”

“Lord Astrologer, do you choose to help us, fulfill our will, or choose to help an enemy?”

“Shut up. Since when is it your turn to question my decisions?”

The astrologer’s tone remained calm, but his expression had turned cold. “Do you realize how valuable an exceptional talent is to the kingdom? No, you don’t understand. The Thorn Empire has always been eyeing the kingdom like a tiger eyeing its prey. The Winter Nation is also in conflict with us. Right now, the Holy Dragon Kingdom is relying on the only diamond-tier elite, the Grand Swordmaster. However, he is not an immortal. Have you ever thought about what we’d do after his death?”

He understood the situation in that country better than anyone else since he had always protected the kingdom.

His dedication to the kingdom was demonstrated by his killing of all those who were antagonistic to the monarchy and fostering all those who were beneficial to the kingdom. It was his tiny selfishness that hoped Watson would develop into a talent as his disciple.

“It is not an exaggeration to say Watson is more valuable than all of you combined. Forget about him murdering Audrey; even if he slaughtered everyone in the Mage Guild today, as long as he is not a spy sent by the enemy kingdom and has not done anything to betray the kingdom, I would still accept him as a disciple! That decision affects the entire kingdom, not just me. Do you think that I intend to betray the kingdom?”

Everyone’s lips twitched as they fell silent when his voice faded. They could not face the thought of committing treason.

“Watson, you killed Audrey. His Majesty would undoubtedly hold you accountable if it were not for my assistance. Blackmoon Castle is insufficient to deal with the entire kingdom, even in the future! Everything you have done in the past can be forgiven if you become my disciple. Otherwise, you will become the kingdom’s enemy. The outcome will be substantially different according to whether you nod or shake your head,” the astrologer said to Watson as he turned his head.

Watson paused for a time before he asked, “Can I perceive it as a threat?”

“Of course you can. I can tell that you hate being threatened by force, and you view it as an injustice. However, you have to understand that the nature of that world is that the strong prey on the weak. You will only invite destruction for yourself and your family if you are unable to speak about justice.”

“Do I have no other option?”

“Unfortunately, you don’t.”

The astrologer smiled at him.

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