The fifth prince of the underseas

Start from the beginning

 He gently placed a on boys shoulder.

A shrill scream erupted from the boy as he grabbed his arm, there was a moment, Tristan felt his breath being knocked out of his lungs as he was up in the air before even having time to react. He felt his back harshly hit the ground with a thud and he stared at the sky from where he lay eagle spread.

There were bright stars all around him and he realized that he had just been judo flipped. Well, that was definitely unexpected.

"Oh no! I hadn't meant to! You just had me startled!"

A head appeared above him with a panicked look. Silver-Blue curls hung over him like curtains almost covering a pair of crystal blue eyes that were filled with horror. Tristan couldn't help but stare into those eyes, such beautiful eyes they were and such beautiful hair. Perhaps, he really did fall quite hard on his head.

"Are you okay?"

He jolted out of admiring the beauty before him, sitting up in a hurry and instantly moving away from the boy before him. Each and every cell in his body rang in a simultaneous alarm as his heart thundered against his ribs.

Too close

He cleared his throat as he tried to keep himself from blushing.

"Yes, definitely. I'm used to this anyway. I've taken enough tumbles while sparring with my mother." He replied bluntly.

Good gracious, why did I even say that?!

"That's good to hear." The boy whose name he had yet to know let out a sigh of relief. A beat passed, his eyes widened and then words tumbled out of his mouth at the speed of thousand miles per second.

"I mean it's not good that you've taken many tumbles while sparring with your mother, I mean it's fine to take tumbles because that's how you learn. It's good that you're alright, all fine, not too hurt. You seem to have landed pretty hard, I hadn't meant to apply that much force, I mean I hadn't meant to do that in the first place but- Geez, I don't even know what I'm saying."

"Nor do I to be honest." Tristan replied in his classic blunt tone.

"I do that a lot unfortunately. Probably why I'm mothers least favored son, she thinks I'm too strange and make absolutely no sense at times."

"I see, that really is unfortunate." Tristan said holding out his hand, still on the ground. The boy promptly grabbed it and started shaking it, a little too enthusiastically albeit a bit nervous.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nicholas though I prefer Nico. You might be?"

"Tristan, my pleasure but-uhh- I reached out my hand in a more 'help me up' way, if you get what I mean."

"Oh. Ohh! You're still on the ground."

"Exactly, I'd appreciate it if you helped me up since I seem to have sprained my ankle."

Nico's face fell as he bit his lip.

"Because I judo flipped you?"

"It would appear so."

Tristan glanced at Felicia who was still where he had left her, looking as though she might burst out laughing. She gave him a final thumbs up as though saying 'enjoy!' before strutting off into the woods. He sighed looking towards Nico, who looked back at him nervously.

"Help me up?"

"Oh! Right away!"


They started walking back, with Tristan limping slightly as his head still spun. He couldn't help constantly glancing at Nico who walked beside him with a light smile on lips as some breeze blew back his hair.

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