25 Khushi is in Anxiety

Start from the beginning

"That's what made me nervous uncle. I can't think of losing him. He is mine. We took birth to be with each other. He ought to be with me. I can't lose him. I won't live without him. I will die. Instead of dying every day, it will be better if I die..." She yelled losing her control.

She looked here and there and tried to open the car door to jump out of the car but the car was center locked.

Avinash became nervous understanding her intention.

"What are you doing Khushi?" He shouted.

"I don't like to live..."

"Khushi, don't be stupid..." He pressed the break.

"I don't want to live, uncle. I could not tolerate this torture. I want Arnav... I want my Arjun back" She shouted with flooding eyes.

"Khushi relax... Trust me... It's my responsibility to make him understand your condition. Give me some time. I will sort it out"

Khushi cried closing her face with her palms.

"I don't like to live... I don't want to" she mumbled.

Avinash was shocked. He realized the severity of the problem. He came to GH with Khushi. He took a particular medicine from his case and followed Khushi. Garima saw Avinash with Khushi. She became nervous, seeing her pale face.

Avinash gestured for her to be quiet.

"Mrs. Gupta, bring coffee for Khushi"

"I don't want..." Khushi said.

"Please bring it"

Garima nodded ok and went to the kitchen. Avinash took Khushi to her room.

"Khushi beta, just relax, ok?"

"I can't be relaxed, uncle. Let me die, please" she pleaded.

"Will you please stop talking like this?"

"It seems people will not let us live together in this birth also"

"How could you conclude Khushi? Arnav seems a nice guy. I can make him understand I suppose"

"What if he doesn't understand? What if he gets angry with me for going to his house?"

"Then why did you go?"

"I didn't think of anything, uncle. My mind didn't work. If Arnav doesn't trust me, I will surely die"

"Will you please stop talking about dying?"

"What else do you want me to do? I can't bear the separation AGAIN" she cried.

She wiped her tears sensing Garima's arrival.

"Go and wash your face," Avinash said.

Khushi went to the washroom. Garima came with the coffee cups. Avinash took the medicine from his pocket and mixed it in a cup.

"What's this, doctor?" Garima asked nervously.

Avinash blinked his eyes. Taking another cup, he drank the coffee. Khushi came from the washroom and sat not looking at Garima.

Avinash gave her the coffee with medicine.

"Drink it if you trust me," he said.

Taking it, Khushi drank it. Avinash waited. He saw Khushi leaning on the coach.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"Yes, I feel dizzy"

"Go and sleep for a while. You will feel better" Garima said.

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