Chapter 6

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 It was the night of the ball and Himiko was lying in her bed half awake, half asleep. She could hear her stepmother and stepsisters laughing out the door, but she really couldn't care less. All Himiko could really think about was the ball and Kokichi. She only really wanted to go because of him. He had said that his future depended on her going but she really didn't know what he meant. How can her being there really affect his future? That was the question that was flying around Himiko's head.

He seemed desperate, maybe it would be a good thing if she did go. Even if it was, it's practically impossible. That dress wouldn't really be on sale anymore nor would she have the money. And if she still went then she would be instantly spotted by Athena and her soul-sucking children. Himiko sighed. When Himiko heard Athena's carriage ride off she got up and walked out her bedroom and into the garden.

When she opened the door, she took a quick moment to observe her surroundings. Underneath the starlight the flowers looked beautiful. Himiko sat down at a bench and landed her face in her hands and pouted. She looked up at the stars and smiled. "I'm sure the stars look more beautiful at the castle. If anything, their flowers must look prettier too. Himiko sighed. "Sorry Kokichi, I know you want me there and I really wish I could but it's too late. I'm truly sorry." When Himiko said that she noticed a star shining brighter than the other. Himiko stared at the star and started thinking about a lost memory. A long time ago her mother told her that if she had passed and there was anything she truly wanted then to wish on the brightest star she would send someone down to help her. But it would only work if she treated people with kindness and respect.

That was a long time ago so she completely forgot about it, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Besides, magic had always astonished her. Himiko got down on her knees and started praying. "Mother, if you could hear me then please help me. Someone at this ball says he needs me there and I may not know what he means by that, I know I don't want to let him down. Plus, I've been working day and night and think I deserve a night out. Please mother, let me go. I wish to go to the ball." Himiko wished but after a few long seconds nothing happened. "Well, that was embarrassing. I guess I'm not as nice and respectful as I thought I was." It hurt but Himiko tried to make sure it didn't show. Himiko got back up from her knees and headed back inside.

Once she opened the door, she heard some whispers over the fence. "What is that?" she thought. Himiko headed towards the fence. She opened the fence door and saw a skinny old lady in a ragged up black cape and was holding a wooden crane. She had dark skin, bright white hair and icy blue eyes. The lady was talking to herself about food but stopped when she saw Himiko. "Oh! Hello dear, would you know where I could get some food around here? I seem to be lost." Himiko Immediately felt bad for the old lady. Sure, she may look scary, and her screechy low voice didn't help, but she couldn't ignore someone with such a sweet smile in need of help. "Neyh!? Come in the garden and sit. I'll go and get you some food right away for you." Himiko grabbed the old lady's hand and guided her to the bench she was sitting on earlier. The little red haired girl ran inside to the kitchen and grabbed bread, strawberries, water, and a small blanket.

Himiko ran back out, gave the lady the food, wrapped the blanket around her and sat next to her. "Neyh, I'm sorry if this isn't enough, I can go and get some more if you like." The lady shook her head. "No, no this is more than enough. I really appreciate the blanket, it's quite cold. Speaking of which, what are you doing out here? It would be a shame if you got sick." The old lady said quietly. "Oh no you don't have to worry about that. I was just-" Himiko stopped talking. She was a little embarrassed. Her face blushed red. "Don't worry dear, I won't judge." The lady hag smiled. Old people really do have the sweetest smiles.

Himiko took a deep breath. "There is this ball, a ball that everyone is invited to. I wasn't planning on going but a guy had basically asked me out and said that it really mattered if I went or not. I don't know what he meant by that, but I want to find out. Plus, he seems desperate, and I don't want to let him down. And on top of that I'm sick of being pushed around by my stepmother and stepsisters and want a night to be disobedient and have fun. Is that so bad? My mother said that if I ever needed anything other than to wish on the brightest star then it would be granted. But I had to be kind and respectful, and I've really tried, I really have. Every day I would put a smile on my face and did everything Athena asked of me. But I guess it wasn't enough." Himiko took a moment to herself. The old lady chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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