April Fools

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Lincoln woke up looking at the wheat tan ceiling. He stretched and yawned, taking in his surroundings. He contently looked at the door, his desk, the calendar-

His tranquility was shattered when he saw the calendar. April First, or for them, April Fools day. Lincoln yelled and scrambled out of bed. He ripped off his night clothes and threw them on the bed. He quickly shoved on his jeans, an undershirt and his orange polo and looked around for what to save from Luans incoming pranking spree.

He quickly decided on bringing Bun-Bun and a handful of his more prized comics. He threw open his drawers and crammed the best of his Ace Savvy and David Steele issues in the crook of his left and arm and snatched Bun-Bun off the bed with the other.

He ran out into the hallway and saw his sisters in a similar state of panic. He saw Lynn sprint down the stairs carrying her lucky jersey, identical to the one she was wearing but slightly smudged, followed closely by Lucy who was holding her poem book to her chest. He rushed down the stairs and swung around into the dining room using the banister ball.

He finally made it into the backyard where the rest of his family sans Luan where. They were all crowded around Lisa who was punching in the passcode to the bunker.

"Hurry up Lisa," Dad was fretting, looking back at the house.

"No worries father," Lisa said as the hatch slowly flipped up. It had fully opened as the window of Luans room slid up and Luan looked down at her assembled family.

"Morning guys! Isn't it a great day for funny side up eggs?" She laughed at her pun.

"Beauty before age!" Lola shrieked as she pushed her way to the hatch and jumped down into the bunker. The rest followed suit with Lincoln being the last to go down. Threw down his comics and Bun-Bun before climbing onto the ladder. He pulled the hatch shut and turned the gear as hard as he could before climbing further down.

He stepped off the ladder and onto the concrete floor, which was littered with his fallen comics. He picked them up and smoothed them out one by one before picking up Bun-Bun. He sat down on one of the crates and set his stuff to the side.

"In approximately 16 hours, thirty nine minutes and twenty one seconds April Fools day will be over and we can emerge," Lisa said aloud to no one in particular. She walked over to a charcoal colored door outlined with riveted steel. She opened the door and peered inside.

"Todd, I need you and the others to vacate this room for the rest of the day," she said.

"Oh, but of course," Todd's stopping, mechanical voice said. "We'll just stand in a corner for the rest of the day."

Todd wheeled out of the room, followed by Mr. Reinforced Titanium Alloy Arms and Friendbot 1000. As they moved over to the corner Mom pointed at Mr. Reinforced Titanium Alloy Arms and asked, "Is that our mailbox?"

"That is not important," Lisa said. "We now have much more room to wait in."

Lincoln and a few of his other sisters peered through the doorway. Inside was a near replica of the living room with a dark yellow rug in the middle, an olive green couch, a plush orange chair, a nightstand with lamp and books, a grandfather clock and a dog house. On the back wall was a portrait of Lisa and for some reason pink drapes as if covering up a window. To the far side of the room was Lisa's works on rocket science.

"Dibs on the dog house!" Lana said, running over to it and crawling in. The rest of the family walked inside and checked out the room. Leni walked over to the window drapes and pushed them aside and looked disappointed when she found there was only a concrete wall behind it.

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